Team McManus was trained, poised and ready to toe the starting line of the 45th Annual Bill Rodgers Somerville 5K Run and Walk. We had a wonderful time at
bib pick up. On Wednesday, Ruth Anne went to Urgent Care and was diagnosed with an infected cyst on her back. She was on antibiotics and we thought we would be fine to run the live event. Tom had recovered enough from his wrist fracture and received the all clear from his surgeon. As we sat around the dinner table on Thursday evening, basking in the glow of time spent with Bill Rodgers and engaging with other runners, we realized that given the intensity of these past two months with Tom's healing and Ruth Anne's recovery from Functional Neurological Disorder combined with frigid temperatures, we would shift to doing our own Virtual 5K.
The temperature was 14 degrees but there was bright sunshine. I had trained really well for my goal race of the year. I had tapered for a week and my body really needed to get out and run. One of the cold running tips that I love is to put Vaseline on my face and feet.
I hummed "Let It Go" to myself and thought of the phrase:
Oh wait a minute. It sure did as I wrote about in "Courage & The Joy of Winter Running."
Besides -- it's true that it's only cold if you're standing still. As the temperatures began to drop here in Boston, I have a habit of opening the door first thing in the morning and allowing my body to embrace the elements. Race morning on Saturday was no different. I felt invigorated by the frigid air.
To simulate the hills of Somerville, we opted to go to the Newton Hills. I knew that Boston Marathon training was getting underway and that the energy of other runners would be inspiring and invigorating.
Everything was going smoothly. Just as we were about to head out, I realized something was 'off'. Lo and behold, I had on my slippers and forgot to put on my running shoes. Ruth Anne and I had a good hearty laugh about that.
As we were heading out to do the first half of the race, we spotted Jack Fultz, 1976 Boston Marathon Champion with the Dana Farber Marathon Team table. He told us they have 500 runners on the Team. He was thrilled that Ruth Anne is running Boston this year for Spaulding Rehab.
My legs felt fresh and well trained. I reflected on how, during taper time, I felt sluggish; quite a contrast to how exhilarated and energized I felt pushing my pace, being in the moment, feeling the unbridled joy of the sport I came to know and love after the diagnosis of a progressive neurological disease 18 years ago.
My goal pace for my goal race was 1 hour. Mile 1 was 19:49; a good warm up pace but I knew I was going to need to push the pace in order to hit my goal time.
Runners passed us in the opposite direction, cheering us on and sharing smiles through the miles. They asked us what race we were running and many commented on our festive attire.
We took the obligatory selfie at the halfway point:
My pace for Mile 2 was 19:19. The sun warmed the day through the barren trees, as it always does in Winter on the Newton Hills.
We paused at the Johnny Kelly statue to take another selfie and paused to document ourselves along the course.
My pace for mile 3 was fairly consistent at a 19:22 pace. Very impressive going up the famous Heartbreak Hill.
As we approached the 'finish line' at the car, I pushed to finish strong for a 17:02 pace for the final .11 of our 5K.
Total time: 1:00:26 with average pace of 19:25. I was thrilled. I've come to embrace my pace as a soon to be 71 year old. As someone who was supposed to be in a wheelchair. I run pretty fast!
I had the runner's cough and felt exhilarated with what I had just done.
I came within 26 seconds of my goal pace on a frigid Winter's day on the Newton Hills.
My 2024 goal race was done and dusted!
On my Christmas Birthday, I will see how many miles I can do in 71 minutes to celebrate turning 71 years young.
During the early part of 2025, I will continue to work on pace and look for an all pace friendly 5K. My stretch goal for 2025 is to build up to the Half Marathon distance again. As I like to say, "It always seems impossible until it's done!"
In health and wellness,
Visit my website
to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go
farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and
Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements,
where you can find my incredibly inspirational story and upcoming
On January 15th, I will be speaking at Cohasset Elder Affairs to share my journey and have a book signing.
Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.
My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on
My 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a
Warrior" is receiving rave reviews and is a selection of the WBZ News
Radio Book Club.