Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Royal Flush

 Yesterday, one of my Facebook friends posted this:

It reminded me of one of my poems from "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life":


Royal Flush


One could say I was dealt a hand of crummy cards to play

at first blush I would have to agree

bluffing became my way of life

playing my cards close to my chest

ever vigilant

shifting eyes


do I continue to play or fold?


The stakes were high

I could no longer up the ante

living on the edge

waiting to find freedom only in death

every day a living death

something had to give

new rules

unconditional love





releasing fear by experiencing fear

losing self consciousness

opening my heart.


I bet everything I had

riding on hope, faith and a prayer


“I’m all in”

putting my cards on the table

there it was

a royal flush!

When we are in the midst of challenges, it can be difficult to hold onto hope and have faith that better days are ahead. Having endured paralytic polio followed by almost a decade of abuse at the hands of family members drove me to the very edge of life. Ironically, I came back from the edge after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome. I awakened to love, forgiveness, gratitude and healing. I realized that I could take the cards I was dealt and transform them into a royal flush becoming a winner in my own life instead of being a victim.

These past 14 months have been a challenge unlike we have ever known in recent history in our country. While I experienced trauma triggers, I was also able to draw from the reservoir of resilience I had built from my past.

How are you playing the cards from the pandemic? Can you be all in and play the hand well? I'm betting you can!

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness 


For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.


"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.


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