Friday, May 28, 2021

A Time to Heal

 During my pre-treatment check-in with Dr. Lizzie, I heard my voice tremble as I shared with her some of the discomfort I felt after my 2nd vaccine shot and how Tom seemed to have an extended reaction to the vaccine after his 2nd shot. "Overall I am doing quite well," I said. "But like everybody, I'm still shaken up by the events of the past year just like everyone and need time to heal." "Absolutely," Lizzie said with a heart overflowing with compassion. "Let's get you on the table and start face down."

Not having access to chiropractic care for over 14 months was difficult but I continued my health and wellness journey, harnessing the power of the mind/body connection and connection to the Divine to heal from the once devastating effects of polio and trauma.

What a blessing to begin to resume regular treatments with her.

As she tenderly used her hands and gentle force chiropractic instruments, I could feel the tension in my body let go. We talked about how May 29th, the date that Charlie Baker, the Governor of Massachusetts set to release all pandemic restrictions seemed a bit soon yet we were also thrilled with the progress that has been made in ending the pandemic. She, along with many others who provide individual services, are planning to keep the mask mandate in place for now. Even though I am eager to experience my treatments without having to wear a mask, I agreed with her decision.

We continued to get caught up on each other's lives since my last treatment on March 13th of 2020. So much has happened in our lives. She has a 9 month old, the new Boston office and different hours. We chatted about all we have to be grateful for while acknowledging the challenges of the past year. Lizzie has been my partner on my health and wellness journey since July of 2017.

Picking up the pieces of a conversation that abruptly ended over a year ago was a bit challenging yet what a blessing that Lizzie has been able to resume her practice albeit with a lot of modifications to ensure the safety of herself, her husband and her two daughters who are too young to be vaccinated.  Ruth Anne is in graduate school and successfully completed her first semester. I wrote a new book and have had interviews to share my journey and promote my new book. Tom works from home 5 days a week and we talked about how we rearranged our indoor and outdoor spaces during the pandemic. We went outdoors whatever the weather to get in exercise and to find times of solitude.

We acknowledged the fear that remains and turn toward hope for the future. We shared laughter looking back at what we thought would be a two week closure and how we felt after one week having no idea of what was to come. We honored our incredible resilience getting through the days, weeks, months and ultimately the year. At the end of the treatment, I felt renewed and realized how much I missed our time together that nourish me mind, body and soul. It felt fantastic to say, "I'll see you next week." 

Today Governor Baker declared that COVID is on the run.

"Unless something very odd happens, I would say that it is pretty much over," Baker said Friday from the State House Library. "I would put an asterisk on anything that says it's over, but I do believe that it is certainly on the run in a big way and given the data as it currently exists right now, Massachusetts is in a place where we can lift these restrictions and do so with a high degree of confidence that people have done the things we needed to do to beat this thing down." 

On June 15th, we will no longer be living under a State of Emergency.

And now it's time to heal. We grieve for those who died, whose businesses and jobs were lost and for ourselves who endured trauma of one kind or another throughout the pandemic. 

It's time to allow ourselves to emerge into the light. May we all give ourselves and each other love, respect, compassion and kindness, and a wide berth to rebirth after these past 14+ months.

 Opening Daze

The day we’d all been waiting for
time to open be together be free
after living under a cloud of fear
we’re feeling profound hesitancy.

Most people have been fully vaxed
a phrase once foreign now eerily commonplace
like a swimmer wading into ocean’s cold
we tentatively move into each other’s space.

So many questions and fear arise
is the pandemic now at its end
Or is this perhaps only a lull
with another outbreak round the bend.

And while we’re trusting science
metrics statistics the order of the day
I set my sights on trusting Source
transforming fear let Love light the way.

A year and some months later
once masked we smiled only with our eyes
we now unveil our transformations
soul lessons learned we are now more wise.

Emerging from our fog and haze
may we bathe in love from each other’s heart
entering into this new normal world
as a new life chapter we start.

Be sure to check out my website's News and Events page for upcoming and past interviews where I share my remarkable and inspirational journey as a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website. 


My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.


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