Thursday, May 13, 2021

Gratitude: 14 Months Later


The above photo and this post appeared in my Facebook memory feed:

Do you have little things that you are grateful for and make you smile? 

Here are a few of mine:
Bananas and potatoes that were in short supply
My favorite floss threaders from CVS that had been out of stock for weeks
Toilet paper - duh
Grated carrots from Trader Joe's
Our favorite brand of orange juice at Star Market
Finding puzzle pieces that fit

What a difference a year makes!

I am deeply grateful and blessed that we can now run without masks although we do have one with us at all times. 

This Spring seems to be more magnificent than any Spring I can remember. Here are scenes from yesterday's morning run that felt so free and easy compared to a year ago:

The morning sun's reflection on the Reservoir reflected the joy and gratitude we feel in our hearts. Our immediate family have all received 2 doses of vaccine. My son and his girlfriend are going to be eating outside at a restaurant for the first time in 14 months. We ate outside at a restaurant on Sunday after our daughter's 2nd vaccine. 



For the first time in 14 months we have plans on the calendar. In October we are going to New York to see Jagged Little Pill. The Cape Cod Marathon will be live and in person this year. Tom and Ruth Anne deferred from last year. We have hotel reservations in New York and Cape Cod.

Little by little businesses are easing screening restrictions but remain in compliance with safety guidelines from the CDC. I look forward to when we will no longer need to have our temperatures taken or fill out health surveys before appointments at our dentist, chiropractor or hair salon, but am so grateful we have access to these services. It wasn't that long ago that everything was in lockdown and we had no idea when we would be able to access them again.

I am grateful for how deeply appreciation runs in my heart and soul for sunshine, Springtime, taking deep breaths knowing we are on a positive trajectory out of the epidemic and to be able to share my pandemic perspectives and poetry in "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic."

14 months later I am grateful for my book, the gift of poetry in my soul and how I can bless the lives of others with the wisdom I have learned living through two epidemics.



As dawn breaks my heart opens in gratitude

an inventory of the blessings in my life

strife only created from memories

gratitude the bridge over troubled waters

path to peace and joy.


Rubbing eyes awake from a starry night

pixie dust sprinkled while sleeping

cells sparkling with possibilities

twinkling eyes view the world.


It dawns on me

I am beloved

Love heals and bathes

uplifted to greet the dawn of a new day

sunbeams meet heart beams.


Writing headlines

a virus vanished

soul lessons learned

heaven on earth is here.


And so it is!


Be sure to tune into Dreamvisions 7 Radio to hear my conversation with Bernie Siegel, MD on his show Mind Health Matters May 20 and 21st, May 27th and 28th at 12:00am and 12:00pm ET. We talk about my newest book, my journey as a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma, healing, hope and possibilities and how my relationship with Bernie helped me on my journey of transformation since the 1980's.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.


"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.

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