Sunday, June 27, 2021

Healing and Finding the Flow


 It seems as if we went from being in lock down and restrictions to party time in Copley Square in Boston with a Donna Summer Disco Party. Of course I am fully aware that it was a slow almost tortuous 15 months of uncertainty, but once May 29th happened and all the restrictions were lifted, there was a shift in our lives again as abrupt as when the lock down order went into effect on March 15 and Governor Baker declared a State of Emergency in Massachusetts.


I don't know about you but I have a little whiplash going from hearing stern warnings to people for gatherings at the beach last summer and businesses and restaurants adhering to strict restrictions because of COVID, to seeing a dance party in the street, runners swarming Heartbreak Hill to train for the 2021 Boston Marathon, traffic jams and planning for longer times to get from Point A to Point B. I feel as though I should be able to just jump back in to be in the flow of life again but I find myself at a bit of a loss. 

I find myself experiencing the residuals from the trauma of the past 16 months with free floating anxiety and at times fatigue. I know I am not alone in these feelings as I read various articles written by people who are experiencing similar feelings. Juxtaposed with the anxiety and fatigue are feelings of intense joy and excitement to be able to experience in person connection with family and friends, do packet stuffing for the Boston Marathon and go beyond Brookline, Massachusetts to dine, to play and to experience the fullness of life again. We experienced having our hair done and going for chiropractic and acupuncture with a deeper appreciation than before the pandemic.

While we were blessed during the pandemic with Tom's job security and having our health, there were moments of intense stress. Life became a challenge as we navigated supermarkets, lived life behind masks and hands were raw from repeated hand washing. Tom and Ruth Anne had to have multiple COVID tests because of work and school. Tom's job had a hiring freeze and in the wake of the pandemic and work/family stress, several people gave their notice. We experienced the collective trauma of the pandemic and the political scene in the US. It was infectious stress to see our friends experience being small business owners or working in high risk jobs  We all felt we were teetering on the brink of total disaster; a hallmark of trauma. Gratitude, meditation and prayer, love and faith were our anchors to navigate the turbulent times.

Fortunately, we can now create a space for healing as the waters of the tsunami of the pandemic and the intense political and economic climate begin to recede. While some may seemingly jump back into the flow of life, it's important to honor how we each approach this time of healing from the trauma that we have all experienced.

In the Flow

When life comes to a screeching halt
frozen in time
tightness tension
worry lines mar terrain
energy wanes to a trickle.

When paralyzed by fear
faith edged out
come back from the edge.

As danger subsides
slowly thawing
torch of divine love lights the way
Source tenderly melting pain.

Haltingly I return to life
here and now
all there is
ebb and flow with the tide
no more precious stolen moments.

tears of relief flow
heart swells with gratitude
getting back in the swim of life
in the flow
faith all is well.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

Be sure to listen to my conversation with Greg Chastain and Ed Siegel on their Voices of Hope podcast, The Cardinal Cafe. From Greg Chastain: The latest episode of The Cardinal Cafe is up! On this episode we meet Mary McManus. Mary is a motivational speaker, author, poet, 2009 Boston Marathon Finisher, polio and trauma survivor. She has a remarkable story of resilence, healing, Hope and possibilities. Once you hear her tell her story you will want to rush out to purchase her newest book of poems “Hope is a Garden” which she wrote during the recent pandemic. So please join us for this incredible story.

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.  

Be sure to check out my website's News and Events page for upcoming and past interviews where I share my remarkable and inspirational journey as a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.

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