Thursday, June 10, 2021

Joyful Tears and Goosebumps


As I scroll through my social media news feed and receive emails about upcoming in person events, I find myself overcome with emotion. Tears overflow from a grateful heart that life can resume with in-person celebrations and that the lights will be back on Broadway. My like-hearted friends have been sharing videos like this one  that mark the end of the pandemic and the start of moving forward in our lives. 


As tears overflow, goosebumps appear on my arms and I feel tingles all over. I allow the tears of joy and goosebumps to wash away the fears of the past 15 months and make space for wonderful new adventures.

In August, we are going to Western Massachusetts to visit my son and his girlfriend. The twins haven't seen each other in person in 4 years. We were hoping to go last summer for their 33rd birthday but the pandemic quickly squashed those plans. There is a sense of urgency to seizing the moment and savoring life to the fullest.

In October we are going to New York City to see Jagged Little Pill. We have not been to New York in years and are so excited to return. As one Broadway actor recently said, "Intermission is over!" I feel tears well up and goosebumps all over as we anticipate these two trips.

With every post about graduations, birthdays, reunions with grandparents and lights turning back on in stadiums, businesses and theaters, I feel the rush of emotion that is felt deep in my heart in the wake of these past 15 months.

Our air purifiers are put away. There's more space on the top shelf of the bookshelf by the door that once had an overflow of masks that needed to be worn every where we went and laundered on a regular basis. Every day there's always something that triggers joyful tears and goosebumps as we heal together and emerge from the pandemic into the glorious light of late Spring.


A few masks for just in case
a welcome empty space on bookshelf by the door
air purifiers stored in basement
floored we need them no more
untie stomach’s knot
space to breathe freely
freedom from havoc pandemic wrought

Savoring summertime’s sacred moments
leisurely neighborhood after dinner stroll
basking in spectacular sunsets

Once seeing life through pandemic’s lens
gratitude floods heart and soul
senses delighted by simple pleasures
time to breathe
space to be
and live life anew.

Be sure to listen to my conversation with Greg Chastain and Ed Siegel on their Voices of Hope podcast, The Cardinal Cafe. From Greg Chastain: The latest episode of The Cardinal Cafe is up! On this episode we meet Mary McManus. Mary is a motivational speaker, author, poet, 2009 Boston Marathon Finisher, polio and trauma survivor. She has a remarkable story of resilence, healing, Hope and possibilities. Once you hear her tell her story you will want to rush out to purchase her newest book of poems “Hope is a Garden” which she wrote during the recent pandemic. So please join us for this incredible story.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.  

Be sure to check out my website's News and Events page for upcoming and past interviews where I share my remarkable and inspirational journey as a survivor of paralytic polio and trauma.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.

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