Saturday, July 10, 2021

March 12, 2020

 "Yes that's your 10th session in the package that you bought on March 12 of 2020," Dr. Lizzie Sobel, my chiropractor said after my treatment on Wednesday. 

We both shared an awkward laugh as we remembered that moment. I shared with her how there was a piece on Sunday Morning with Stephen Colbert's return to being live on stage. He shared his "calendar" which had every day as March 12th!

"I remember you telling me that you would buy the package for 10 sessions and had everything scheduled out until my maternity leave would begin in July."

"Little did we know what would happen next," I said.

"I remember saying to you that even if things did shut down it would be two weeks at most. Ha. What did I know?"

"What did any of us know?" I asked with love and compassion. "The next day was the last time my daughter saw her Occupational Therapist in person at Spaulding."

"Oh that's right!" Dr. Lizzie replied.

We went on to chat for a few minutes about that moment frozen in time when the world seemed to stop spinning and we faced moments that we had no idea at first how we were going to meet them.

Tom worked mostly remotely and went into the office one or two days a week. BC Administrators tried to figure out what was going to be best to maintain the critical functions of the IT Department while being responsible in preventing the spread of COVID.

They tried different schedules of weeks on and weeks off until one of their co-workers returned from a trip infected with COVID after Christmas vacation. Tom has not been back in the office since the beginning of the year.

At the beginning of my treatment, Dr. Lizzie asked me, as she always does, how I am feeling in my body. I told her my chest and back felt tight.

Tears fell and were caught in my mask. "Tom has to go back into the office next week," I choked out. "I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't you ever apologize for your feelings in here," Dr. Lizzie reassured me.

I took a deep breath and got onto the treatment table.

"I am so grateful he has a job to go to but he's been at home for so long. We've gotten into a certain routine and we have appointments needed for self-care all scheduled."

"You know it's quite all right to feel upset and feel grateful at the same time as we've discussed many times before." 

As we untangle from the lives we created in response to March 12, 2020 there are a myriad of emotions coming to the surface but we are strong and resilient and will find our way.

Tom begins back to the office next week for one day a week and then at the end of August he will return for 3 days a week preserving the day that Ruth Anne has class in the evening on Tuesday and our self-care appointment day on Wednesdays.  

While all students, faculty and staff must be vaccinated by August 13th at Boston College, there is a hint of anxiety as people will be indoors together unmasked and as our family unit goes outside of our bubble.

It's exciting to have the magnets on our refrigerator holding invitations to family and friend events this summer and we must maintain confidence in the vaccines releasing the fear that gripped us all on March 12, 2020.

We are able to go for regular appointments to get our hair cut, regular appointments for chiropractic care, Ruth Anne is going to have a few booster in person Occupational Therapy sessions as she takes on her Masters Degree and working part-time and what a thrill to record a podcast in person a few weeks ago with Liz Brunner.

Time stood still on March 12, 2020 and we made it through that unprecedented time in American History. As we heal from the trauma, we will have reminders of that day and the 16 months that followed remembering and sharing as a way to heal and move forward in our lives.

March 12, 2020

Something is coming hearts pounded with fear
conflicting views for how tragedy was near.
Noise in the background the news filled with gloom
unable to comprehend scope of impending doom.

It will all be over and will pass with great speed
to the fear mongers we were told, don't pay any heed.
Yet the gnawing the knots would not go away
time to shelter in place for many a day.

Days, months and a year and seasons now passed
transformed by pandemic time went slowly yet sped by so fast.
Tears and laughter and hugs as new new normal comes into view
hard to fathom believe all the stress we went through.

Emerging we celebrate gratitude overflows from the heart
may soul lessons learned not soon now depart.
March 12th twenty twenty our vision now clear
life and loved ones so precious we hold all so dear.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon


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