Friday, July 16, 2021



The above photo is from our morning run earlier in the week. We received a lot of comments on our Facebook post including "not ducks in a row but swans," "beautiful",  and "awesome photo."

Last night, Bernie Siegel commented, "no competition unity."

I replied, "yes  nature is so amazing . I just felt my heart and soul settle with your comment."

As I fell asleep last night, I reflected on the serenity of this moment and when I finished my morning meditation, wrote this poem:


epitome of grace
swans serenely swimming
Instincts guide
poised and peaceful
a chorus line orchestrated by Divine
for heart and soul’s delight.
Powerful moment
movement as One
how we all can be
Being in harmony
rhythm of nature
reflecting true essence
borne from God
breeding a new world order.

When we look to nature we discover our true nature. As Bernie was quick to point out, there was no competition among the swans. 

I am taken back to when vaccines first became available and everyone was in competition with everyone else to get their shot. Ironically, now, there is more than enough supply but not enough people eager to get vaccinated. 

May we all be in the rhythm and flow of life in unity heading in the same direction with grace and serenity.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon

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