Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Current Situation: Current of Love


It's time for me once again to only skim the headlines and resist the temptation to click on what's trending on Twitter which usually only takes me down the rabbit hole of news that breeds fear and discontent. I hide posts on Facebook that do not fuel a sense of joy and happiness. I actively seek out people and pages that I know have uplifting messages. I am spending more time reading and meditating and engaging in conversations with family and friends. I am taking more time for walks in addition to my three 5K's a week and allowing Spirit to flow through me to write. I am working on a very special audio book project for "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" (more on that in a later post). 

I ride the waves of fear and anxiety knowing sensations pass and focus on thoughts that can shift me into a state of love, hope, trust, faith and calm. I am mindful of what I am feeding my mind and observe how I respond to situations that are triggers from past trauma. I let healing tears flow when I need to release stress and practice gratitude connecting with Source.

Dr. David Hamilton has done extensive research about how kindness is an antidote to stress. Kindness triggers oxytocin, the "feel good hormone" which counters the production of cortisol, the fight/flight hormone. I've joined the #BEKIND2021 campaign from the Born This Way Foundation. From September 1st to September 21st, I'll be joining a global community practicing kindness, compassion and gratitude. We'll focus on kindness and compassion for ourselves and others. It's a wonderful way to transform feelings of fear and being separate to becoming aware of what binds us together as a global community. It's a deliberate way to keep thoughts and action in the forefront of our lives that help to counter the stress we are all experiencing at this time.

I'd been waking up at 6am -- well more accurately said, our beloved cat Jamie woke me up to be fed and I was having trouble getting back to sleep. Often times I would sleep through Jamie's head butting and she would move on to get Tom to feed her, but in recent weeks with the stressful events swirling around the globe, my vigilant self woke up. On some days, I'd let Tom sleep and feed Jamie enjoying the peace and quiet of the early morning hours.

The other morning, I could not settle down observing all the feelings going through me. I opened my heart to Divine Guidance and this poem flowed through me:

Current of Love

Weariness and wariness
hope and immunity waning
sputtering faith
current situation seems dim
when love lights the way!
Lens of love
prism of possibilities
despite what eye may see
sparks ignite
burn away doubt and despair
Source ever present
at the ready
tune out and tune in
be light
becoming radiant.
Turn tide of swirling thoughts
what if
worries wash away
what if
happiness and peace prevail
keep the faith
spread the faith
floating on a current of Love conquering fear.

May we all connect and stay afloat on a current of love.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

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