Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Raise Your Vibration

There are times when I feel my energy wane and my mood shift to feeling edgy and 'down.' I limit my intake of news but do need to keep informed about the latest guidance from the CDC and local public health officials. In our little corner of the world, there are major changes happening with Tom's job and Ruth Anne's miraculous ongoing healing journey. While at times I feel incredibly hopeful and optimistic about these changes, at times my 'Negative Nancy' mind set takes over. Tears of gratitude that I know all is well and in Divine Order mix with an unsettling sense of fear. I focus my imagination on what I DO want rather than focus on negative outcomes.

When we were waiting for the results of Tom and Ruth Anne's COVID tests last year, Ruth Anne came up with a song called, "Raise Your Vibration".  She repeated raise your vibration several times and followed it with "You gotta plump plump plump your cells." It's a song we returned to this year while waiting for test results and one we often turn to to raise our vibration.

During these times, it can be challenging to always live in the higher vibrational frequencies. When I feel myself slipping into fear and worry, I nudge myself back to the gift of the present. Rather than harping on untoward outer appearances, I settle into dwelling in the present moment seeking out all that is right and good in my life. Sometimes I walk around my home giving thanks for the 'little things' like rolls of toilet paper, a refrigerator full of food, running water, air conditioning and a spacious home that is filled with love from my husband, daughter and our beautiful cat Jamie.

After dinner last night, we were feeling tired but knew how wonderful it would be to take a walk around the neighborhood. We breathed deeply letting go of any worry or fret and as our walk progressed, we were treated to the most incredible sunset accompanied by the sounds of the crickets' songs.





How could we possibly worry about anything when we bear witness to this expansive sky with incredible majesty reminding us of something far greater at work in the Universe. 

 I received a letter from Social Security telling me that I was denied for Medicare Part B. Part of Tom's leaving his job at Boston College has involved getting health care. I marvel at how the Universe led me to just right the person when I first looked at Medicare options. We were waiting for the Medicare Part B to be put in place so we could sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan. I was just about to pick up the phone to call Social Security prepared for at least a 30 minute wait, when the phone rang. It was the health insurance agent I had contacted who called to inform me that I'd been approved for Medicare Part B and we could sign up for the additional coverage. I told him what happened and expressed deep heartfelt gratitude for him for his diligent follow up. Today, Tom received his new Medicare card and signed up for his supplemental coverage. We are healthy and don't often use our health insurance, but like car insurance, it is a comfort to know it's there should we need it. 

When I believe and see that everything is falling into place, worries melt away. I get out of the way and allow the Universe to work its magic. 

If I am stuck in the mire of worry, I am not open to those delicious feelings of love, gratitude and possibility.

In the midst of uncertainty and times when the headlines can make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, it's the very time to raise your vibration!

Raise Your Vibration

Fear and worry can shake us to the core
flashbacks to trauma and all that went before
headlines about tragedy leave us bereft of hope
take deep breaths letting go to forge a path to better cope.

Have trust to believe what eye does not yet see
Source's well of Love bathes all Beings to be free
light and ease and grace raining down cup your hand
plant your feet unwavering in faith we take our stand.

Live as if the dreams you dream so deep within your heart
are playing out right here and now no waiting for their start
purposes and passions unveil Truth let beauty shine
abundance, joy and happiness inheritance now is thine.

Raise your vibration sing out clear and sing out strong
Divinity's proximity is right where we belong
safe harbor from tumultuous times once trembling heart now steady beat
a new day now is dawning open door to future greet.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

My books to uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon.

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website to hear interviews that will open your heart and mind to a powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.

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