Saturday, September 25, 2021

Autumn: A Time for Change

The end of summer often triggers a sense of sadness. It's often difficult to experience a sense of rebirth and renewal when the leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground and yet Autumn can be a time of incredible transformation and new beginnings as we let go of what no longer serves us opening our hearts to the infinite possibilities not yet visible to the eyes.

One week ago, Tom left his job as a full time employee with benefits. We created our own benefit package now that we are both over 65 and held hands tightly as we took this leap of faith. It's the second leap of faith we took together. We took one for me 15 years ago after I was diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome, a progressive neuromuscular disease.

While a leap of faith and letting go of what is familiar, {even though it may be toxic for us,} can be frightening, there is a feeling of exhilaration and excitement with what is on the horizon.

Sometimes I get caught in the vortex of fear spiraling downward in my thoughts and energy. But then I take a look back at all that I have created in my life during these past 15 years and see the signs surrounding that all is well and in Divine order. 

Tom and I have been on a journey of letting go, discernment and experiencing the excitement that a new season in our lives brings. I had a few brief moments of solar plexus clutching fear about finances which was a flashback to experiences from my youth and once I released the fear, the magic of the Universe is swirling around us just like the colorful autumn leaves that will soon be dancing in the cool, crisp air.

There are events happening in Autumn this year that usually happen in Spring and Summer. The world still seems topsy turvy as we find ways to live with COVID.

The Boston Marathon traditionally takes place in April as Spring begins to bloom in Boston. There are blossoms on the trees that line Commonwealth Avenue and winter's chill begins to yield to warmer days with more hours of daylight. This year, the Marathon takes place on October 11th which is also Indigenous Peoples Day. Foliage should be at its peak with many trees already showing bare branches. Instead of homes along the route being decorated for Easter and Spring festivities, Halloween decorations, pumpkins and mums will be the decor of the day.

The Tony Awards typically take place in the summer but this year were postponed until this Sunday because of COVID. Rather than warm gentle breezes welcoming nominees on the Red Carpet, there will be a bit of a chill in the air. Broadway is slowly reopening in New York but mask wearing and vaccinations are mandated for audiences at least through November 1st. I don't believe there will be a Red Carpet and the after Tony parties have been cancelled. But just like the Spirit of the Marathon rises from the ashes of the pandemic, the lights of Broadway shine on with hearts overflowing with gratitude that iconic institutions and events live on.

This is the first year that I can remember when I have not felt sadness about summer coming to an end. I focused on living in the present moment and savoring summertime in all her glory. I noted the bright green leaves on the trees and the luxury of going out on a run wearing just a tee shirt or tank top and shorts. Summer extended beyond the Autumnal Equinox this year here in Boston. It's been unseasonably warm and humid. I am ready to embrace change.

I remember when I was in grade school, I was the narrator for our play "Every season has a reason."

We've been through many seasons of our lives with the pandemic which has called for resilience, adaptation, flexibility and embracing the ebb and flow of life during these unprecedented times. This Autumn our family is entering a new season with Tom's retirement, Ruth Anne's return to work after healing from a critical illness and new projects on the horizon for me with my poetry and spreading my powerful message of healing, hope and possibility. I am open to the splendor and glory of the Autumn season shaking loose and letting go, allowing infinite possibilities to emerge.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

My books to uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon.

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website to hear interviews that will open your heart and mind to a powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.


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