Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Magic of New Beginnings


I wrote this poem on Christmas Eve, the eve of my 68th birthday and hope it will inspire you as we get ready to embrace a New Year:

A New Chapter 

Dipping my quill

poised to write a new chapter of my life

surrender to Source

troubles become light as a feather

fear fades

quivering quiets.


happily ever in present moment

my presence a gift to the world

heart and soul overflow with grace

gratitude for blessings

feeling blessings on their way.

Chapters of days gone by

reveal beauty and strength

stronger in broken places

gold gilding

healed and whole.

Infinite possibilities on a blank page

pure and powerful

Love reigns supreme

Love story for the ages

tethered to Source

lightness and ease

giddy with delight

exhilaration and excitement



Many people often ask me what it's like to have a Christmas birthday. I grew up as Jewish so the only frustrating part was that my parents didn't want my brother to feel left out on Christmas so he received presents as well. I always had the day off from school and/or work. I had to celebrate my birthday before the holiday because friends had to spend time with family but we had great family celebrations at my cousins' house in the Bronx. Once I converted to Catholicism during my graduate education at the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, it became very special for me to celebrate my Christmas Birthday. My husband's family invited us to join them on Cape Cod and the twins' enjoyed raising a raucous with all of their cousins.


Having a birthday that coincides with a beautiful religious holiday and the end of the year creates a wonderful time for contemplation and reflection. As the winter solstice approaches, neighborhoods are splendid with holiday lights and the anticipation of Christmas is in the air. Once Christmas arrives, the winter solstice has come and gone and we emerge into more light every day.

I am overcome by gratitude for all of the experiences of this past year. I am deeply grateful that we have all been healthy. Team McManus worked hard this year to let go of people and habits that were not healthy for us, allowed new people and experiences flow into our lives and been blessed to reconnect with friends through Ruth Anne's Providence Marathon run for Victory Programs. 


While in person speaking engagements were not possible, I was blessed to share my journey, and my gift as a writer and poet, on many podcasts. Out of the podcasts, grew an idea to create an audio compilation of poems from Hope is a Garden to benefit Voices of Hope Boston. The Universe is always full of surprises. 

As I begin another year and as we all get ready to embrace a new year, I open my heart to the magic of new beginnings. I am excited for new adventures in my work as a writer, poet and motivational speaker.  I cherish being support crew for Ruth Anne and Tom on the road to the Providence Marathon. I am hopeful we will be able to experience runcations again in Providence and Cape Cod and perhaps return to NYC for another Broadway show weekend.

I plan to continue to work on releasing worries and fears, trusting that the Universe always has my back, making sure I set aside time every day to read books and get off screens, and have laser focus about what I want to co-create with Source in my life. This message popped up in my Facebook news feed. A message straight from the Divine.

It's time to relax, enjoy and trust the magic of new beginnings as Ruth Anne begins a new semester at Boston College, Tom begins a new contract job and I explore possibilities for sharing my gifts while getting ready to wrap up my next book with the working title,  "Into the Light: 2021 Poems and Essays."

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,



Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma


Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews


My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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