I was getting ready to log off of Facebook last night when I saw that I was tagged in a post:
Thank you, Mary McManus, for sharing your amazing story. Because of you, I got final Jeopardy. This morning I woke up to a Facebook message from another friend: "I
knew the answer to final jeopardy last night because of you. The
answer was post-polio syndrome. Oddly enough, none of the contestants
got it correct."
After seeing what my friends were talking about, I posted this as my Facebook status:
That’s Why We Are the Greatest Sport Camp Hyannis 2016
“It’s a sign!” a group of runners exclaimed as they walked by my table at the Hyannis Race Expo.
They picked up my medal from the Bermuda Half Marathon.
“We were just talking about how we have to run Bermuda. We are putting it on our bucket list.”
The Mystic Runners from Wakefield, Massachusetts were deeply moved by my inspirational journey. In that moment of synchronicity, we became fast friends.
Paulie has been gracious and generous to offer me a table at the Expo to sell my books and inspire runners with my journey. The 2015 weekend was cancelled. It was a tough decision for any race director to make but treacherous weather conditions would have compromised the safety of the runners. I didn’t give a second thought about having a table at the 2016 Expo. I was running the 10K and planned to focus my energies on the race.
A friend messaged me on Facebook. “I’m so excited you have a table at the Expo this year. I saw your name on the table. Can’t wait to see you!”
I grabbed my Hyannis Half Marathon medal, my Boston Marathon finisher photo and medal, the few books I had on hand and my business cards. At the last minute, I put my Bermuda Half Marathon finisher medal in the box.
During these past 15 years, the right people and resources presented themselves to me. Whenever I veered off my healing path, as happened after my nephew died by suicide in 2011, I was guided back to where I needed to be. Social media posts seem to jump off of the page as opportunities present themselves for me to share this miraculous journey.
What a magnificent wink I received from the Universe last night when Final Jeopardy's answer begged the question, "What is Polio?"
From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,
Be sure to visit my website at https://marymcmanus.com to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma
Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews
My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon
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