Friday, July 8, 2022

Hope is a Garden

We started planting tomatoes when Ruth Anne was taking an Environmental Science course in her junior year of high school. I didn't feel particularly connected to gardening or growing our own food because I was caught up in working full time and managing our household while supporting our twins on their life journey. When Ruth Anne started her volunteer gig at ReVision Urban Farm, we purchased seedlings to have our own vegetable garden. During the pandemic, we planted tulips and created a flower garden for the first time since we moved into our home 24 years ago. When we planted the garden in October of 2020, I was inspired to write the title poem of my book, 'Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic":
Hope Is A Garden  


Dirt stained knees

spade turning over soil

feelings flutter

tenderly tilling the earth

lovingly placing bulbs

embodiment of expectations and hope.


Hope is a garden

holding seeds in hand


everything they need to know

ready to burst forth.


Patience and perseverance

faith abides


knowing no prayers needed

all unfurls in Divine Timing.


In darkness hope stirs

light pierces through

as new life breaks ground

yet invisible to the eye

seeds of infinite possibilities

hope the harvest of imagination.


We decided to go with a flower and herb garden this year instead of vegetables, purchasing our farm fresh vegetables directly from ReVisiona Urban Farm at their Farm stand on Thursdays. We bought seedlings in May and have been in awe watching our garden grow. There is a drought in Massachusetts. We use the water that is collected by our de-humidifiers to water the garden. It's the first time we've grown sunflowers. I've seen them fully grown in other people's gardens or fields but have not had the privilege to watch them slowly unfurl their magnificent flowers. The process reminds me of how everything occurs in Divine Timing. The magic happens when we trust nature with whatever endeavors we may pursue.

It is so easy to become impatient and ask "why hasn't this happened yet?" I hit the STOP button when I find myself thinking that way. I take a deep breath and say, "Just look at the magnificence that happens in nature in its own pace and timing. Nothing is forced. What incredible beauty is revealed deep in the mysteries and magic of all that is unseen. Possibilities happen in the unknown."

I am celebrating 15 years of healing since the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome and in the wake of the once devastating effects of trauma and paralytic polio. There are always going to be challenging times, especially with the pandemic, but with an attitude of gratitude and opening up my heart to grace I allow my own beauty to unfold as I continue to heal. I allow poetry to flow through me and send powerful messages of healing, hope and infinite possibilities out into the world through my books and social media posts. 

I meditate in our garden feeling a connection to hope despite all the headlines. I allow hope and optimism, gratitude, grace, love and joy to grow deep in my heart being One with all that is. 

Look closely and see the beginning of the sunflower opening up among these magnificent marigolds:





We have an herb basket filled with mint, chamomile, basil, and lemongrass.


What seeds do you plant in your heart to blossom and grow into kindness, joy, love, beauty, hope, optimism, light, compassion and gratitude? Do you weed out thoughts of anger, judgment, resentment, unworthiness, lack and jealousy?

Here's to healing, hope and infinite possibilities in your garden of life!

From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,

Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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