Sunday, November 27, 2022

An Eagle Sighting - It's a Sign!


It was a picture perfect Autumn day for Saturday's run. The temperature was moderate for late November and there was a head wind but when the wind stopped, the sun was warm:

The Universe is always sending us messages once we pay attention! As I turned the corner around the Reservoir on yesterday morning's run, a person with a powerful zoom lens on his camera had it aimed at a tree. People gathered and looked up. I stopped in my tracks to see a bald eagle perched on a tree. The photographer said it is very rare to see an Eagle near an urban area. I tried to capture a photo with my iPhone but then I paused just taking in that majestic and sacred moment. I made eye contact with the Eagle.

I knew it was a sign. As soon as I got home I google'd quotes and information about the Eagle as a spirit animal.

The Eagle spirit animal is an inspiring messenger. With the ability to soar to heights other birds merely dream of, the Eagle is a powerful animal totem that offers lessons about looking closely at the most minute of details in order to see life from a broader perspective. When this graceful hunter comes into your life, it’s time to look inward with a careful eye. Allow your heart to guide you, and opportunities you never dreamed were possible will present themselves when you least expect it. Eagles have feet with four toes. Four is a symbol for having a solid foundation and being grounded. Those who are guided by the Eagle spirit animal are grounded. Even though the Eagle can soar to great heights, they are still strongly connected to the earth. Among being grounded and connected to the earth, those guided by the Eagle are also resilient and in complete harmony with the spiritual aspects of their lives. Unafraid of the unknown, these seekers accept life’s challenges with unshakable courage, determination and confidence. Source:

I got goosebumps. Sixteen years ago, I was diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome, a condition that is considered to be a progressive neuromuscular disease. I was told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I was experiencing the dark night of my mind, body and soul that was the antithesis of what an Eagle represents.

But I refused to take the diagnosis sitting down. After going through the initial stages of shock, fear, anger and grief, I got still and asked for Divine Guidance. The diagnosis was given to me in December of 2006. In January of 2007, I met a master magician of a physician, Dr. ElAbd who told me that he could partner with me to eliminate the pain in my cervical spine of a disc pressing on a nerve by using trigger injections. He then referred me to an earth angel of a physical therapist who disagreed with the traditional view of Post-Polio Syndrome as a progressive neuromuscular disease. 

After the initial trigger injection and before my first appointment with Allison, as I got still and asked for Divine Guidance, poetry poured out of me. I felt my Spirit soar whenever I wrote poetry expressing gratitude, forgiving the people from my past who harmed me and imagining myself dancing in puddles without the leg brace, running free and feeling whole and healed.

I literally felt no pain as I wrote poetry harnessing the power of the mind/body connection to unleash the body's natural capacity to heal!

The Eagle sighting was a sacred moment for me; a connection to the Divine to let go of the past and anything that limits me and allow myself to feel fully free soaring with the Eagle continuing to heal on deeper and deeper levels. It was validation from Source about my courageous journey. In that moment of eye contact, Source communicated to me to fully open my heart to go forth with confidence as I continue to share my journey of transformation, and my books that speak to the power of possibilities after enduring unspeakable trauma after contracting paralytic polio at age 5.

Eagle totems appear to inspire (push) you to reach higher and become more than you think you are capable of. They tell you to be courageous and really stretch your limits and see what you can do. They bring a sense of courage and a desire to explore and grow.

I am excited to see how this manifests in my life.

From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,

Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and
Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon 



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