Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Serendipity and Synchronicity Flowing Across the Pond

One of my favorite persons, Dr. David Hamilton often comments on or likes Michelle Townsend's posts on LinkedIn. Michelle lives in the UK near London and David lives in Scotland. She has gone to hear him speak and has posted that "How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body" is a book that influenced her healing journey. In his book, 'Why Woo Woo Works," David talks about a web in the Universe that can draw people together. Have you ever thought of a person you haven't thought about for awhile and hear from them "out of the blue" or experience chance meetings that inexplicably blossom into something more? You get the idea then. 

I enjoyed Michelle's posts that fill LinkedIn and Facebook with uplifting and inspiring quotes and messages in a beautiful setting for the text, and she enjoyed mine.

After I posted my blog, "Faith is Like Wi-Fi", Michelle shared that there was powerful synchronicity in my blog.




It inspired her to write her blog, "Writer's Block - Letting Go to Flow."






In very short order, we discovered a friendship was blooming across the Pond. We supported each other's writing endeavors and I was inspired to ask Michelle if she would have the time and desire to read my manuscript, writing an editorial review.

After Michelle read the manuscript, she sent me a tender-hearted email giving me feedback from the viewpoint of the reader. She said that the book is amazing and she understood if I didn't want to incorporate her feedback into a revised manuscript, but felt that it was important for her to send me the feedback. She felt a nudge from the Universe to share it. 

Her suggestions were spot on and it was easy for me to make the edits based on her feedback. I ordered another proof of my book, made sure that it read well with the edits and then, was finally able to hit the publish button.

Here is her review:

"Such an empowering book of transformation! “Into the Light” takes us on an amazing journey with an ‘attitude of gratitude’. A journey traveling through the pandemic, Mary shares her motivational, inspirational state of appreciation for the simple pleasures in life. She cultivated the power of gratitude through the difficulties highlighted during the pandemic following her healing from Post-Polio Syndrome, finding ways of maintaining Runnergirl along with husband Tom, and daughter Ruth Anne.
Mary finds herself navigating her beliefs and decisions, using her mind body connection to help regarding the vaccine after the memories of contracting paralytic Polio during the last polio epidemics in the United States. 
Mary’s wonderful words that flow through her journaling and poetry bring emotions forward with powerful guidance and appreciation, using the pandemic as a great force for transformation and growth, encouraging us to our own place of self-reflection." ~Michelle Townsend C.Hyp, D.Hyp, C.I.H, UKHR, I.H.A, CNHC Registered. Professional/Clinical Hypnotherapist. Founder of ‘Harmony Life Balance’ 
Coincidentally, as Michelle talked about in her blog, she is writing a book and was wrestling with her book title. One day, while out on a run, a possible book title for HER book came to me. She shopped it around with friends and family and they loved it. She then mentioned another phrase to me that she plans to use in an upcoming blog and I suggested she incorporate that into the title. No spoiler alerts here but I can tell you Michelle has an incredible healing journey that needs to be shared with the world and will be next year.

A few months ago, I did not even know who Michelle Townsend was. We are now dear friends, champions of each other's creative endeavors, feeling goosebumps all over as synchronicity and serendipity flow across the Pond.
From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,

Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you with a powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon


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