Sunday, January 22, 2023

Muddy Shoes and Smiles for Miles


February is typically the month when we have lots of mud in Boston. This January, we've had very little snow and lots of rain that made for muddy runs around the Reservoir. Our running shoes have been caked with mud and wet through to our socks. We clean them off and put them against the baseboard radiators to dry out. I smile and feel such joy that a) I have running shoes and b) I can play in the dirt.

When I was growing up, I never had the childlike pleasure of going out and splashing in puddles or playing in the mud. I was learning how to navigate life after having had contracted the polio virus when I was five and a half years old. I was a stranger to athletics and running? Forget about it. 

After the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, now 16 years ago, I set out on a quest to heal my life. I was led to the sport of running after writing poems about running free and splashing in puddles without my toe up leg brace:

I called my pen my divining rod for healing that was harnessing the power of the mind/body connection as I visualized feeling free, healthy, whole and healed in the wake of the once devastating effects of paralytic polio and trauma.

From "Feel the Heal: An Anthology of Poems to Heal Your Life":

One night I had a dream that I came out of my leg brace and was splashing around in the rain much like Gene Kelly did in Singin’ in the Rain. When I woke up, I penned this poem:


Come Out and Play


Arms flung open wide dancing in the rain

pure abiding joy to feel alive again

healing tears fall and blend in God’s puddle

no time to sit in a corner and huddle

all the old rules driven by fears

washed away now by God’s loving tears

the imprint dad left no longer remains

rain washes away all of the stains

baptized with love, Truth lights my way

the sun shines through on this rainy day

splashing and laughing my heart opens wide

embracing and flowing I’m one with the tide

God takes my hand release the old way

bathe in my glory come out and play!


We've been so blessed with mild temperatures and little snow fall this winter. I feel the joy of running again in my soul and on my soles after going through the pandemic, and after a reaction to the vaccine that took a toll on my body. All that matters is here and now.

Yesterday, Team McManus headed to Heartbreak Hill for our training runs. Ruth Anne and Tom are training for Half Marathons #2 and #3 to raise money and awareness for Victory Programs. They are working with Coach Brian Simons of Creaky Bones Running.Coaching.Performance. They each have their individualized plans but we all warm up together. There were smiles on everyone's faces despite the grueling challenge of the hills. The Hills are once again alive with the anticipation of the 2023 Boston Marathon. It's amazing how, since the pandemic, there is a deeper appreciation for the events that we missed and for feeling the joy of being together without masks or the need to socially distance.


As Tom and Ruth Anne went on their way, I continued at my pace. What a joy to have solid ground beneath my feet for a late January run. 

I thought I recognized one of my runner friends as he went by me. When he turned around, I knew it was him! We'd chatted on Facebook about hoping to see each other again on Heartbreak Hill once the pandemic ended. Three years later - here I am with Dominic Herard.

Dominic came to Hyannis Marathon Weekend in 2020 to race and to hear me speak at the pre-race pasta dinner. What a joy to hug and to hear the latest happenings with running goals in Dominic's life. He has been crushing his goals including recently running his first marathon. He is going to run the New Bedford Half and Providence full this year so we know we will be seeing more of each other sharing in the joy of running friendships.


I saw a lot of Spaulding Race for Rehab runners out on the course. I felt nostalgic about my 2009 Boston Marathon run and cheered them on with a "Hey Race for Rehab." There were more miles filled with smiles!


One of the runners from the Team and I struck up a conversation. It seemed as though we knew each other as we chatted with such ease and familiarity. That's what happens with runners. Coincidentally, I had liked her posts in the Race for Rehab Facebook Group.


As we move into 2023, I am excited to have more muddy shoes and many smiles for miles. My heart overflows with gratitude. What a miracle that I am able to celebrate 16 years of healing and be surrounded by an amazing village of runners that continues to grow and grow!

From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,

Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...