Monday, February 20, 2023

The Hills Are Alive!


Last Saturday,  February 18th, marked 58 days until the Boston Marathon 2023. After not experiencing Boston for two years during the pandemic, in the days leading up to the Boston Marathon, there is a deeper sense of gratitude and exhilaration. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombings. We were so blessed to have been able to evacuate from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Boston where we were celebrating our 2009 Boston Marathon run with the Race for Rehab Team. There is a heightened awareness of this anniversary throughout social media and in the energy on the Newton Hills.

It was only in the 20's Saturday morning when we got up to get our Saturday run on. We've been spoiled by this winter's mild temperatures. Rather than risking a brisk wind around the Reservoir, we decided to go to the Newton Hills. Even though we got a late start, there were many runners out on the Hills training for Boston and their energy ignites something deep within me. Although my endurance running days are behind me, I am able to fire up the feelings of when I ran Boston in 2009 and went on to run three Bermuda Half Marathons in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Since Ruth Anne's next Half Marathon isn't until May, Half Marathon #2 in her Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs, she wanted to run with me for the first 3 miles of her 6 mile run. 

She helped me to push my pace as we felt invigorated and exhilarated being out on the Hills. We passed the Dreamfar Team in training and saw Charity Teams' water stops.

Right before the Johnny Kelley Statue, we saw these photos:

We recalled the time we were coming back from Puerto Rico in January of 2009. We needed a break from training in the brutal New England cold. What were the chances that Ruth Anne would strike up a conversation with the two people sitting next to her on our return flight home, bemoaning how there was another storm on the way and we had 18 miles on the training plan for Boston. It was Johnny's nephew Tom Kelley and his wife Dottie. We became instant friends and exchanged information. A few weeks later we received this letter along with an Adidas poster that Johnny signed that now graces our living room.

We have so many joyous memories of our running adventures and have been blessed to meet so many amazing people through the sport of running. 

We spotted Dominic Herard who we met at a race several years ago in Rhode Island. We continued the friendship in social media and in real life. During the pandemic we kept talking about how we eagerly anticipated hugs on Heartbreak Hill again. A few weeks ago I met up with him on the Hills and today he embraced Team McManus. Of course we had to take a selfie:

He finished his run and we finished 3 miles back at our car. Tom and Ruth Anne went on to do their 3 miles at their pace. I hydrated, refueled and stretched basking in the glow of a great run. I felt a deep sense of joy and freedom embracing the cold air grateful for the glorious sunshine.

I read, and texted with Tom and Ruth Anne munching on pretzels. I delighted at the sound of runners' feet and their conversations as they passed the car. I reflected on how deeply grateful and blessed I am for the miracle of healing in my life.  I felt freedom and joy coursing through my cells knowing how every step is a gift, every mile is a blessing wondering what would my life have been like had I succumbed to the diagnosis and prognosis of Post-Polio Syndrome. What if I wouldn't have answered the call to run the 2009 Boston Marathon? I would have missed out on so much of life and meeting people who have become like family.  

I would have to say that since the pandemic, there is a unique energy surrounding training runs and races. There is a special sense of unity and familiarity among runners. We share in each other's triumphs and support each other through the tough miles that life inevitably brings.

The Newton Hills are alive once more as we countdown to the Boston Marathon. Being a part of the running community fuels my sense of vibrancy and being fully alive able to tackle the uphill climbs in life while feeling the joy of whisking through the downhills with ease.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

 Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 


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