Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Imagine - Believe - Achieve


"Imagination is everything. It's the preview of life's coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein

“The body achieves what the mind believes.”
~Napolean Hill

 When I set out on my healing quest 16 years ago, after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, my pen became my divining rod for healing writing poetry, harnessing the power of the mind/body connection. I imagined myself running a race although I had never run a day in my life. I imagined myself splashing in puddles without my leg brace and dancing in the rain. In my mind’s eye, I saw myself as happy, healthy, healing, whole and free. The first poem I wrote, “Running the Race,” foreshadowed my 2009 Boston Marathon run. Training for the Boston Marathon meant training my mind for success at a sport that was foreign to me. I repeatedly watched the scene in Forrest Gump when he broke out of his leg brace while young Jenny yells “Run Forrest Run!”


After a serious knee injury in December 2014, I was told to stop running or cap my distance at a 5K and be prepared for a total knee replacement in a few years. I used various kinds of imagery to heal my left knee and grow a new gastroc muscle, partnering with a chiropractor who used KT taping, and chiropractic care while prescribing a new strength training regimen for me. 

At my comeback race, the Finish at the 50 on Independence Day (the metaphor is not lost on me) we met the Bermuda Marathon Weekend Race Director. It had been on my bucket list to run in Bermuda and then life happened. Tom and I were quickly drawn into the vortex of their delicious Bermudian accents and charming ways. Bermuda was our favorite vacation destination for years! We had made friends on the Island through the Sea and Surf Anglers Club of Boston. Anthony told me that if I could get to the Half Marathon distance, I would enjoy the race more than the 10K which had a very hilly course.

Another half marathon? Why thank you Universe - yes!

As I trained, I visualized a spectacular finish on Front Street. As we'd finish the final moments of our training runs, Tom and I would hold hands and then thrust them high in the air saying "Here comes Team McManus! Welcome back to Bermuda!" There was a photo on the website with finishers posing with the Town Crier. I imagined Tom and me posing for one of those photos.

And as we came into the finish line, the announcer said, "Here come Tom and Mary McManus from Chestnut Hill Massachusetts. Welcome to Bermuda!"

In January of 2024, I will be taking on the Bermuda 10K which is the 2nd race in the Bermuda Triangle Challenge Weekend. Before our Saturday runs, I take out the course map and visualize going mile by mile through the gorgeous Bermuda hills and running by the uniquely blue waters of Bermuda.


This past Saturday we did a tempo run around Jamaica Pond. 

Tom and Ruth Anne run at their pace as we run in opposite directions. They are training for the Bay State Half Marathon which is Half Marathon #3 in Ruth Anne's Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs. We high five and check in with each other as we meet up. I am so blessed and grateful to have such a great team and support crew cheering me on as I take on a new goal. I always make time to stop and savor the beauty of nature around me. At the end of our run, we take selfies and celebrate what we achieved during the training run.

It still feels surreal that I am training again for 10K especially on the Bermuda hills. Throughout this training cycle, I am using the mantra imagine - believe - achieve. Next Saturday I begin to slowly build mileage. I have complete trust in my body's tremendous capacity to heal again after an adverse reaction to the 2nd COVID vaccine and to continue to build strength and endurance despite having once been diagnosed with a progressive neuromuscular disease.

Imagine -- Believe -- Achieve!!!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to susbscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode #56. Join us on episode 56 for lovely Mary McManus as she shares her remarkable and inspiring story of hope and unimaginable possibilities that she made happen after being diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome and being told she would live the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But at the age of 53, Mary wasn't going to let that happen and she started doing something for the very first time in her life, Run. However before she could start that journey, she needed to get a pair of running shoes first.

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...