Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Happy Global Running Day! Running is My Therapy!


"It's counterintuitive to the law of physics," Eddie the roofer told us while helping to stop the flooding in our home from ice dams several years ago. I don't remember the specific law of physics he was telling us about but I do remember the phrase.

In May of 2021, after the 2nd COVID vaccine, I experienced symptoms that stopped me cold in my workout and running routines. I had done everything I knew to do to avoid any adverse reaction to the vaccine. I harnessed the power of the mind/body connection to manage the symptoms and continue as best I could to strength train and get in miles. My intuition told me to cut back in what I was doing yet the symptoms persisted. I realized that what I needed to do was counterintuitive to what one wants to do when one is experiencing pain. Throughout my healing journey after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I have held fast to the belief that if I am going to hurt, I may as well hurt on the side of healing!

As I wrote about in "I'm Now Off the Sidelines .. or .." I decided that enough was enough and kicked off this year with the Virtual First Run 5K. Doing that race set into motion a renewed confidence in my body's tremendous capacity to heal.

I experienced a new sense of joy and freedom in my workouts and training runs.

Last Saturday I ran 3.5 miles which was the longest distance for me in almost two years! Despite the rain and wind, I was thrilled and delighted to be going the distance greater than a 5K since when I ran the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon.

I stretch a lot, meditate using the mantra "The power that made the body heals the body."

I listen to the On the Runs and Find Your Finish Line podcasts with inspiring stories and a community that fuels my body and soul. I'm visualizing our return to Bermuda, our happy place; a place we haven't been to in four years, and visualize being out on an in-person race course again!

I'm re-reading Deena Kastor's book, 'Let Your Mind Run' and taking notes while I read. 

She recommends creating and using as many tools that can be used at different times in different circumstances to maintain positivity and help in achieving goals. One of the tools, visualization, is one that I embraced after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome training for the Boston Marathon. In addition to using the course map, I found the photos from when Tom and Ruth Anne ran the Bermuda 10K in 2020. Ruth Anne guides me through the different parts of the course that has breathtaking views similar to when we ran the Bermuda Half Marathons in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The symptoms that seemed to be unrelenting are relenting! Just as I found myself being 'all in' feeling that being a part of road racing again was behind me, I am now ALL IN knowing that I can and will go the distance again, and do it again in Bermuda in celebration of my 70th birthday on Christmas Day! 

My first goal was to finish before the finish line closes in 2:30 based on the course being hilly. There was a lot of old thinking that went into that goal from 'polio days', thinking based on how I was feeling after the 2nd vax and shifting gears from having believed that my being a part of road races is over. My new goal is to finish in 2:00! I am working on speed with fartleks and tempo runs and doing hill training during the week. Once a month we go to Heartbreak Hill for our long runs.


I've been in awe of how my body has been responding to my training. I feel more energized. There is the expected soreness that I am getting accustomed to again instead of the muscle spasms, nerve pain and joint pain. I love how Deena Kastor writes in her book, "When my mind talked, my body listened."

They say that the comeback is greater than the setback. It's the truth! I'm rediscovering how running is my therapy feeling my heart overflow with gratitude with each training run and strength training workout.

Happy Global Running Day!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others. Be sure to subscribe to his podcast Find Your Finish Line.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56


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