Sunday, June 25, 2023

Reflections on My Half Birthday


In six months, I will be celebrating my 70th birthday on Christmas Day. For the 2nd week in a row,  it rained for Saturday's training run on the road to the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10k. Unlike two weeks ago, yesterday's rain was warm and the summer humidity was high. Halfway through our run, Ruth Anne and I had to peel off our jackets. What sweet sensations to experience the gentle summer rain bathe our arms, face and legs. 

Because I contracted paralytic polio at the age of 5, wore an ankle to hip leg brace and was limited in being able to feel the joy of splashing in puddles and running free when it rained, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and exhilaration when I can run in the rain. The miles are made even sweeter because I am training for the Bermuda 10K in January.

The Nike+ app on my phone crashed during the last several runs. Ruth Anne said that since I'm training for another event, I need to get a Garmin. She bought it for me as a half birthday gift.

We had a spectacular time on our run around the Reservoir. Despite the steady rain, there weren't a lot of puddles but the back of my legs were covered with gravel and mud.

Despite the grey skies, the leaves and grass were a vibrant green. The fragrant summer flowers filled the air. As I meditated after our run, my heart overflowed with gratitude. I had a deep sense of accomplishment that I have made a commitment to training for the Bermuda 10K and that I know with all my heart that I will navigate the soreness and new sensations that come with training for more miles. My body is adapting to this new training regimen but more important, I am once again harnessing the power of my mind to go the distance. Re-reading Deena Kastor's book, "Let Your Mind Run" and taking copious notes fuels my journey.

I received an email from Magic 106.7:

I've listened to Magic for decades becoming friends with on air personalities and winning many contests. I loved the synchronicity that I started this blog yesterday and received the email this morning about celebrating my half birthday!

Saturday's run is my last 3.5 mile run until taper time. I increase the mileage by .5 miles each month. I have hill repeats, fartleks, and tempo runs integrated into my training plan. I look at photos from when Tom and Ruth Anne ran the Bermuda 10K in 2020 to visualize myself out on the course with them. 










I look at the map and smile at the elevation knowing I am going to be well trained mind, body and soul to take on the Bermuda Hills in January.

I read a wonderful book, 'Counter Clockwise' by Ellen Langer in which she offers scientific evidence about how our attitudes affect how our bodies age. I could have easily stayed with the 3 mile or 5K distance. I could have picked up an event or two that accommodated back of the pack runners/walkers and not experienced the discomfort that goes along with taking on a greater challenge-especially as I prepare to turn 70 in December.  If I would have stayed in my comfort zone, I wouldn't experience the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment with every mile that moves me closer to the starting line of a new age group, a new decade and a new race feeling youthful, vibrant and athletic.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series  to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56

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