Monday, July 10, 2023

Felt Like 87 Degrees!


Having an event to train for means no excuses for going on a run especially when it felt like 87 degrees with the heat and humidity. We set the alarm for an early Saturday morning run on the road to the Bermuda 10K. One of the hallmark symptoms of Post-Polio Syndrome was having difficulty regulating body temperature. The body's thermostat was adversely affected by the initial polio virus and I would have difficulty getting warm in winter or cooling off in summer. It's so easy to feel the fear rise up and that my body would not be able to rise to the occasion of a training run in summer after a 6 year hiatus from training for an endurance event.

Re-reading Deena Kastor's book, "Let Your Mind Run" (link to book review blog after I read her book the first time) has been a wonderful tool in my training. I recalled her saying to herself to not think about the heat but rather to take in the surroundings and focus on hydration and fueling. Our mind is an incredible training partner when we harness its power to transform the conditions we are experiencing. Deena is going to be the guest speaker and Ambassador for Bermuda Triangle Challenge Race Weekend!









I reminded myself that every training run is a new starting line releasing the fear that my left leg might experience calf pain or muscle spasms again. I honored Friday as a rest day. I made sure that I hydrated and fueled well along with mental preparation for four miles. I visualized how I wanted the training run to go. Ruth Anne and I took time on Friday to go over the course map and reviewed the photos from when she ran the Bermuda 10K in 2020 with Tom. 

Ruth Anne and I marveled at how much healthier we look and feel now compared to when we visited Bermuda in 2020. Ruth Anne was still in the early stages of her recovery from PANDAS which is well described in this article from Boston College. She is tapering off the last of her medications that had caused weight gain and a whole host of untoward side effects including fatigue. It's a blessing we can do early morning runs especially with the summer heat. I am shedding the weight of the stress of Ruth Anne's illness and Team McManus has a renewed commitment to health and wellness. Tom has switched to decaf coffee. We have improved our nutrition and forego the after dinner summer ice cream in service of our training goals. We DO however enjoy FlavaNaturals for healthy desserts.

At the end of our 4 miler, I pushed a bit as we visualized entering the Stadium and crossing the finish line. It was a solid run from start to finish. 

How wonderful to open the door and have a blast of air conditioned air meet the sweat soaked skin and clothes. We relished our lunch and savored the success of another training run that takes me one step closer to the starting line of the Bermuda 10K and Ruth Anne and Tom closer to Half Marathon #3 at Bay State for Victory Programs. Here is the link to her fundraising page.  Please consider a donation to take her across the finish line of her $10,000 fundraising goal and support this incredible cause that helps to save lives of Boston's most vulnerable populations.

Even though we would have loved to go and sit on the beach on a hot summer's day, we are in serious training mode. Even though it felt like 87 degrees, we deposited another 4 miles on the road to the 2024 Bermuda 10K!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website at  to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities that make great summer beach reads are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series  to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56   Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...