Thursday, August 10, 2023

Four and a Half Miles and a 2008 Penny


Before I set out on my four and a half miler, the longest distance I have run since I trained for the 2018 Bermuda Half Marathon, I set the intention of a great run using the above meme. Our hearts were a bit heavy that Ruth Anne is still in the hospital but we know that it is vital we keep training ready to return to a full complement of Team McManus very soon.

When we trained for the 2009 Boston Marathon, one of our favorite go to places was Jamaica Pond. There's have lots of shade along with rolling elevation which I need to train on for the Bermuda Hills in January.

The still water of the Pond made for a perfect canvas to reflect the stunning beauty of the clouds and trees. Tom and I remarked how we didn't recall a summer that had this much lush green and so much growth of vegetation around the Pond. 

We kept a close eye on our pace. Saturday's run was a distance run and the first 4.5 miler on the road to the Bermuda 10K. There were times when we had to dial back the pace to allow the fitness to take root while I take on this new goal. I focused on lightness and ease preparing mind and body to go the distance again. Tom and I reminisced about our Boston Marathon training which ignited the muscle memory of when I did speed work with my personal trainer at Jamaica Pond. Back in the day I could run an 11 minute mile with the prodding from my personal trainer. Three times around was a drop in the bucket compared to when we'd run upwards of 13 laps for our long runs. It was a great place to train when the roads were covered in slush and ice. 2008/2009 was a brutally cold and snowy New England Winter.

Tom went on to do another lap after we finished our miles as he continues to train for the Bay State Half Marathon happening in two months! I meditated allowing my mind to become as still and clear as the water. I focused on optimism and hope for Ruth Anne's  healing despite temporary appearances to the contrary. I imagined a loving phone call with her. I had to trust and have faith that she was receiving proper care for both her physical and neuropsych symptoms. I released the trauma of my dad's death by suicide in 1971 sifting and sorting thoughts that arose from the past versus the reality of my present life with Ruth Anne. While it is heartbreaking to see her experience a flair, my survival is not on the line as it was when I was a 17 year old. She did call Sunday night and Monday gave me permission to speak with the resident. 

While sitting by the still waters, I allowed myself to immerse in the feeling of the runner's high after 4.5 miles. I used the time to visualize our triumphant return to Bermuda. 

After our Saturday runs, the question always remains where to have lunch. To celebrate my longest run in several years and to kick off Tom's vacation, we opted to go to Stoked Pizza. Their veggie pizza without sauce is to die for.  As we walked to our car after lunch, there on the sidewalk was a penny. 

A 2008 penny! 2008 was a great year for Team McManus. In February I declared I was going to run the 2009 Boston Marathon for Spaulding Rehab. Ruth Anne was working on her Associate's Degree at Bunker Hill Community College feeling happy, healthy and thriving. We became Team McManus running and fundraising for Spaulding Rehab. Ruth Anne and I ran the Tufts 10K together. I was appearing on different podcasts and radio shows sharing my journey while writing poetry harnessing the power of the mind/body connection to fuel my journey.

It was a sign; a year to use as an anchor as Ruth Anne navigates her healing journey and as I train for the 2024 Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K.  It was an awesome run and Morgan Freeman would have had a great time doing the narration.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.  Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

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