Thursday, August 31, 2023

Motivation, Momentum and Pushing Beyond Limits

During these past 16 years, after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome, I pushed past limits time and time again. I am so excited to be training for the 2024 Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. Every training run and every strength training session takes me one step closer to the starting line and I am feeling the joy in the journey despite the heartache of Ruth Anne's ongoing hospitalization. 

Ruth Anne is the one who encouraged me to set the goal of a new challenge. After she and Tom did the 2020 Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K, she said I could totally do it. But then there was COVID and I had a setback in 2021/2022. In 2023, we toyed with the idea of going back to Bermuda for Race Weekend with me as spectator. There were no direct flights from Boston. In April, Ruth Anne was inspired to check for flights for 2024 for Race Weekend. I waffled back and forth about whether or not I would and could do the 10K. Once signed up for it, I was all in. There were some rough training runs at the start and initially I was very anxious about whether or not I could go the distance again and do it under 2 and a half hours.

I had to adjust the training schedule that was too ambitious at first and find a way to give my body time to adapt to the training. I poured over Deena Kastor's book, "Let Your Mind Run".  

I incorporated many of her suggestions into the mental and physical aspects of my training. She is the guest speaker and Ambassador for Bermuda Triangle Challenge Weekend!

I was starting to have a 'niggle' in my right knee. During a recent Q & A in Dr. David Hamilton's Personal Development Club, we talked about how we can harness the power of the imagination in the mind/body connection to heal. He shared his personal experiences of tennis injuries. He shared how frequent short spurts of repetition of visualizing injury into wellness promotes neuroplasticity. Whenever I focused on the pain in my right knee, I used an image of releasing inflammation and injecting a cushion into the joint. It worked! I continue to have loving conversations with my body expressing gratitude for all it allows me to do. Ruth Anne recommended the book, "The Brain's Way of Healing" by Norman Doidge. Reading about neuroplasticity especially stories of healing with people diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease using conscious movement (which is what I instinctively started using after an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine) has boosted my healing of my neuromuscular system harnessing the power of the mind/body connection.

We dedicate our miles to Ruth Anne until she joins us again on the road to her Half Marathon #3 in her Trilogy of Half Marathons for Victory Programs.

I am motivated by honoring Ruth Anne and all she is enduring right now in her ultramarathon of healing from a recent PANS flair. You can read more about her journey by following this link. Early on in my running career, as one who was overcoming a progressive neuromuscular disease, I felt motivated to run for those who were unable to. I know and trust that Ruth Anne will be back on the roads stronger and better than ever, but until she is, I am motivated to be the best I can be as we train for the Bermuda 10K.

I am amazed that in spite of or maybe because of the stress of Ruth Anne's hospitalization, there is a momentum to training. It's a constant in my life and gives me an anchor and a sense of purpose to share my powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities as once again I push past my own limits coming back from a major setback in 2021/2022.

I look forward to setting the alarm for 5:45am during the week and see what magnificent majesty the Divine has ready for us to start a new day. We are savoring these end of summer sunrises. This morning we were greeted with another magnificent magical and mystical morning from the Divine:


Garmin told me I had my fastest mile and I pushed my pace on the hills coming back from the Reservoir. The air was cool and crisp. What courage and bravery it takes to see beyond appearances as we haven't had contact with Ruth Anne or the treatment team since we had a meeting a week ago Monday. It's so easy to get caught up in the negativity and what if's given how Ruth Anne presents when her brain is inflamed secondary to a response to infection. This morning my heart opened and overflowed with gratitude and optimism. I realized feeling anger and frustration at the treatment team and the missteps of this hospitalization serves no purpose at this time. I felt forgiveness for the treatment team knowing how awful they must feel since Ruth Anne was ready for discharge and then wasn't after they discontinued the antibiotic, and how distressed the hospital must feel that they missed treating her with antibiotics after she was found to have an infection in the ER and treated her with only one dose of IV antibiotics. I also forgave them for challenging me and presuming that there was something Tom and I were doing that created a toxic living environment for her. I said a prayer that all is well and moving in the right direction; that they are being guided by angels and Divine Intelligence and Ruth Anne's confusion clears as they treat the inflammation and look for possible med interactions that could be exacerbating her symptoms.

Despite initially having been challenged by the treatment team about her diagnosis and my role in Ruth Anne's neuropsychiatric symptoms, I realized that I must hold onto the truth that she has a medical condition that causes neuropsychiatric symptoms. Given my own trauma history, I was drawn into feelings from the past. Fear and worry took hold. The love and support of my friends on line and in person and receiving messages from them and the Universe have sustained and uplifted me during this very challenging time. 


In the past, the stress of what is happening with Ruth Anne would have manifested in a resurgence of symptoms from Post-Polio Syndrome. Instead, my motivation in training for the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K is creating its own momentum.

Seeing beyond appearances is what faith is all about and mine is strengthened by the dawn of a new day and the beauty of a sunrise. Just as I pushed past my once perceived limits time and time again, I know that my energy, motivation and momentum is sending out ripples to Ruth Anne and her treatment team to create a positive outcome of healing and an epic come back for Team McManus.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon 

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On the Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.  Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience! 

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, post polio syndrome and trauma.



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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...