Wednesday, September 6, 2023

My Morning Run and Letting Go!

Since Monday was a holiday, we got up at 6:30 instead of 5:45. We knew we were going to miss the spectacular sunrise views over the 'small' Reservoir on Route 9 but knew we would still have beautiful views as we ran around the Chestnut Hill Reservoir.

You can see the haze in the 2nd photo that seemed to come and go during our run. What a metaphor for life. As Tom and I navigate Ruth Anne's journey back to wellness, there are moments of clarity and calm. We feel hope and optimism surge through the very cells of our Being. We know and trust that the Treatment Team and Ruth Anne doing everything they can to emerge from this recent flare of PANS and to support her journey back to wellness!

 I've been allowing signs from the Universe to help temper the anxiety of the unknown and help heal the trauma of this recent flare. One of my favorite messages came from August 30th:


















Running and being out in nature raises my vibration. My heart opened with gratitude in tandem with the clearing haze. I greet negative thoughts with love and compassion. Let's not think about what happened or what might happen but be in the present moment. Is that thought going to help me feel better? If yes then let's keep it. If not then LET IT GO!!! We shared what we've learned with supporting Ruth Anne on her journey to wellness. I am learning what it means to have faith. I am learning what it means to truly let go and always reach for the higher thought. The past does not equal the future and there’s a beautiful peaceful joyful present moment to be had in every moment.


Tom and I talked about all that we have to be grateful for in our lives especially my health. During the run I thanked my body for all that it gives me and the gift of being able to train for another 10K and a 10K in Bermuda. We recalled his Bermuda 10K in 2020 with Ruth Anne. I asked him to review the course with me again to boost my confidence through the power of visualization. Whenever we see a hill when driving or running, I ask, "Is that a Bermuda hill?" Tom consistently replies with "You've got this!" We talked about how supportive and encouraging Ruth Anne has been when we train together and imagine how wonderful it's going to be when she's back on the roads with us feeling healthy and well. We imagined when Tom and Ruth Anne cross the finish line of the Bay State Half and wrap up a year of training and fundraising for Victory Programs.

The morning run before breakfast is comparable to a meditation. We clear out thoughts that contribute to suffering and reach for thoughts and experiences that speak to beautiful possibilities. There's a hill that leads back to our house after we leave the Reservoir. Tom said, "All right! Let's take that hill. Let go of it all, running into a beautiful future of incredible possibilities." 

What a charge I felt charging up that hill feeling my strength surge through me. After our morning run I was ready to take on the day feeling hope and optimism that in the invisible and silence miracles are taking place on Ruth Anne's journey to wellness.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly  for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

Be sure to also subscribe to their YouTube channel


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