Monday, September 11, 2023

Sweat Cleanses From the Inside Out


Tom had to work this weekend on a special project that required ongoing attention throughout the weekend. I am so grateful he has this wonderful job that he enjoys especially as a 71 year old. Two years ago at this time we were wondering what was going to happen after Tom took his leap of faith leaving behind his 7 year Boston College career as a Systems Administrator. Would he get a 'retirement' job or would he continue to work in technology? We weren't sure but we were sure that the job at BC was no longer fulfilling and the stress was taking a toll on his health. 

We had to get up extra early on Saturday to ensure that Tom would be back home in plenty of time to monitor the system he was upgrading. It was a win/win since summer decided to linger well into September this year. The heat and humidity was palpable even at 7:30 in the morning! 

We had another 5 miles on tap on the road to the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. As sweat poured, I made sure to hydrate and to also be mindful of my nutrition. I thought that we would have to dial back our pace but I kept a pace consistent with what we have been doing in recent weeks.

Ruth Anne continues to heal from an infection making her way back to wellness. We know that it can take time for med changes and for the body's natural ability to heal to take effect. I know that we can't rush the healing process although at times it seems to be painfully slow for everyone especially Ruth Anne.

Tom and I savor our training time together. We are unplugged and out in nature which nourishes our mind, body and soul. We always take time to soak in the beautiful surroundings of the Reservoir. We paused as we saw a solo goose serenely swimming on the near still water. We watched it turn around with such ease and grace; a reminder that we need to be in the flow accepting all that is right now going with the current of life.

We were grateful for the cloud cover for most of our run. When the sun came out, the heat and humidity really kicked in but fortunately we had only a mile left to run. Our emotions while Ruth Anne finds her healing path were getting wrung out with the sweat. Tom and I used Louise Hay's affirmation while we got in our miles: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Only good can come out of this. I am safe. Louise recommends using it to clear away worries during a challenging situation to allow the Universe to create the solution. We shifted our attention to how Ruth Anne was when her mental status cleared and how Ruth Anne is when she is well saying a prayer "May Ruth Anne be happy. May Ruth Anne be safe. May Ruth Anne be well. May Ruth Anne be at ease!" It's amazing how troubles and worries are released out on a run in nature while sweat pours.

On our way home we were blessed to see two dear neighbors who hold Ruth Anne close in their hearts and prayers. We paused our Garmins to take time to chat with them and soak up their love and support.

One of the things I love about a sultry end of summer sweaty run is to feel the sweat continuing to pour even after the run has ended. George Sheehan has so many incredibly wise quotes about life and running. It's true what he said about sweat. Sweat cleanses from the inside out in a way no shower possibly can!

Another 5 miles deposited in the Bank of Bermuda. Let the excitement build about being a part of Race Weekend. I am always in awe of how the Universe speaks to me and sends me messages and signs. I 'just happened' to see on Instagram that the Grotto Bay, the property where we planned to stay was doing extensive renovations that would not be completed until Spring of 2024. I called to find out that the renovations would affect food service. We planned to have our pre-race breakfast at 6:30 at their Coffee Shop which is now closed. Breakfast wouldn't be served until 7:30 and they were not sure where they were going to serve breakfast. 

We decided to pivot and stay just for race weekend instead of the week long stay at Grotto Bay. We easily changed our flights. We are going to stay at the host hotel in Hamilton at the Hamilton Princess Hotel through Marathon Tours. They have a great VIP Package that is going to thoroughly enhance our Race Weekend experience and make Bermuda Race Weekend a true race-cation! Everything always works out for better than the best!

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my ***NEW*** website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

Be sure to also subscribe to their YouTube channel

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