Monday, October 2, 2023

Acceptance -- Flexibility -- Connection

Ruth Anne and I were registered to run the Colin Joy's Project 5K. After 7 weeks in the hospital, Ruth Anne and I realized we needed quiet time together while we got in spectacular Saturday miles! After we did bib pick up and as people gathered for the kids' races, we knew we needed to run our own race.
And run our own race we did! Ruth Anne paced me to a 5K PR with negative splits. We breathed in the sea air and felt the healing power of nature and the ocean. We laughed together and let the sound of the seagulls delight our heart and souls.









We transformed a stressful pre-race experience into a joyful and exhilarating run. I got in a solid training for Bermuda. It would be so easy to allow the stress of Ruth Anne's hospitalization weigh us down. With acceptance sprinkled with flexibility, we were able to pivot. If you have ever listened to the On the Runs Podcast, you will hear a lot of talk about a #codebrown. It's a runners thing but for you non-runners out there, it's a reference to when  a runner has to go to the bathroom and there's no bathroom or porta potty readily available.

"Mom, I hope the bathrooms are open at Carson Beach or I'm going to have a #codebrown.

"Oh no! I hope so too because I have to pee." 

We turned our attention to the beautiful ocean despite the gray misty weather. We were supposed to have a rainy day so we were grateful that it was only misting.

"How ya doing?" Ruth Anne asked.

"I'm okay but I'm glad we are almost to the bathrooms."

The door was locked. It was the end of the summer season. 

Ruth Anne said "Oh no how bad do you have to go?"

"Never mind me. Don't you have to poop?" 

I didn't realize how loud I said it just as a runner passed by. 

We both burst into laughter and can you guess what happened? I had what runners affectionately call a #codeyellow. There was nothing I could do but to laugh and know that I'd finish going pee when we got to the Curley Center and take a shower when we got home.  Ruth Anne said that there was no #codebrown in her future.

While Ruth Anne was in the hospital, while accepting the 'reality' of what was happening, I visualized us going on a run together and hearing her words of support and encouragement while I train for the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. I knew that some how and some way we would make it through those very dark days. The transition back to life after 7 weeks in the hospital is a gradual process that we have to honor! No two days are the same and we honor what Ruth Anne needs mind, body and soul to move forward in her life.

This morning, Ruth Anne wanted to get her run on a bit later in the day. Flexibility is key and is a companion to acceptance. Tom and I continue to cherish early morning runs. We were blessed with a warm morning for the 2nd of October here in New England. We had chilly days that we thought signaled an early Autumn but this morning the gift of summer returned. I was even over dressed.

Yesterday was a day rife with intense emotions. We know that those kinds of moments and days pass. We are stronger and more resilient after navigating them but in the midst of stress, it an sometimes be a challenge to stay connected to the goodness of the Universe and the Love of Source. Last night the three of us shared what we are grateful for. Tom and I added our own feelings of gratitude before bed followed by our prayers. I did something I'd not done before. In the morning, we do a meta meditation from Dr. David Hamilton's Personal Development Club. I always place my hand on my heart as he cues during the meditation. .As the anxiety and intensity of the day slowly creeped in, I was moved to place my hand on my heart. I got in touch with knowing and feeling the Power of Source within me. The realization that love is greater than fear filled every fiber of my being. My heart rate slowed. Deep gratitude flowed through me blessing the challenges and knowing how much I have to be grateful for. I sent love to Ruth Anne and our family expanding and extending it to all Beings everywhere.

For the first time in months, Team McManus slept through the night!

Despite the haze from the Canadian wildfires, we were treated to a beautiful start to the day:

I felt a profound connection to Source having seen the half moon as we set out for our run, seeing the serenity of the water, the majesty of morning's first light and the beams from the sunlight gleaming through the trees. What a wonderful and wondrous way to start a new day, a new week and a new month as Team McManus navigates life after a 7 week hospitalization with acceptance, flexibility and the most vital element of all, connection to Source.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

Be sure to also subscribe to their YouTube channel

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