Monday, October 16, 2023

Fun with Fartleks and 4.5 Miles On the Road to Bermuda

Fartlek - Swedish word for speed play

"Hey mom, can I get in a few miles with you for my taper time for Sunday's Half Marathon?"

"Sure. I'd really love that." 

"Tom - do you want to get in a shakeout run?"

"No. I'm fine with a rest day. You two go ahead and enjoy!"

Last Thursday, Ruth Anne and I headed to the Cleveland Circle Reservoir taking an easy pace. Somewhere along the way we went from easy pace to Ruth Anne taking the lead to help me do speed work also known as fartleks! 

The day started off chilly but after the sun came out and our bodies warmed up doing speed work, we quickly peeled off our jackets. We felt the joy of playing with speed; a part of the joy came with the spontaneity of the workout. We had wonderful conversation when I caught my breath after the fartlek. Ruth Anne was wondering out loud to the Universe about a decision she was pondering. Just then she found a penny and realized she had her answer.

I was very very sore after our workout knowing that soreness is a sign of building strength. But it might have made more sense to wait to do a speed workout until my body was acclimated to the 5.5 miles. My right knee was bothering me for several days. I harnessed the power of the mind/body connection in my meditations while using a heating pad and ibuprofen at night. On Saturday night, I still felt the niggle in my knee that went to niggles of doubts that I could go the distance again. I remembered Dr. David Hamilton say that sometimes the meditations we've been using need to be changed up. I remembered the success of using conscious movement. As I mentioned, it was amazing to read about something I did instinctively in Norman Doidge's book about neuroplasticity. In Norman Doidge's book, he talks about a variety of techniques that stimulate the body's incredible capacity to change. I reflected on the Feldenkrais method. It's a form of body work in which the practitioner gently guides the client's body to relax and release a tightly held posture that is causing pain. In my mind's eye, I went through the muscles of my right leg and was able to release whatever was pulling on my right knee causing the pain. I said a prayer of Thanksgiving knowing that I can and will go the distance.

Ruth Anne and Tom were slated to run the Bay State Half Marathon. I was planning a bye week in my training plan to be support crew. Ruth Anne made the wise decision to sit out the race as she continues to heal from a seven week hospitalization and having contracted COVID while in the hospital. Rather than wake up at 4:30am, we turned off the alarm and had a leisurely Sunday morning. Unlike New England summer runs when we had to get up early to beat the heat of the day, in Autumn and Winter, we wait for the day to warm up. 

We were treated to angel slides and a burst of sunshine as we savored the beauty of nature and Autumn. Instead of focusing on Ruth Anne sitting out the Bay State Marathon, we expressed deep gratitude for what our bodies give us on any given day.

There was a strong headwind and a chill in the air. I was still in late summer mode with my attire. I had on a long sleeve shirt and capris but no jacket, headband or gloves. I embraced feeling the chill smiling to myself with the awareness that my body's thermostat once affected by polio and Post-Polio Syndrome was no longer an issue! 

Sunday's 4.5 miler was a big confidence booster on the road to the Bermuda Triangle Challenge 10K. I did not focus on pace feeling confident that with taper time and planned rest before Race Day, I'll be able to meet the challenge feeling physically and mentally strong. I was able to turn the tide of a painful right knee and leg after a 5.5 miler and doing speed work in the same week. As Tom and Ruth Anne said after Sunday's training run, "You could go out tomorrow and have a great race day!"

At almost 70 years old and having been told to prepare to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair 17 years ago, I feel exhilarated to be pushing my limits again going the distance of a 10K in my happy place in January.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.

Be sure to subscribe to the On The Runs podcast for stories of individuals who are fierce and determined to overcome challenges, set goals and crush them. Here is the link to my Episode 56.

Be sure to subscribe to their new YouTube Channel to enhance your podcast listening experience!

Be sure to download and subscribe to the AdaptX podcast. Here's the link to my wonderful conversation with host Brendan Aylward sharing my journey of transformation and healing in the wake of polio, Post-Polio syndrome and trauma.

Be sure to also subscribe to their YouTube channel

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