Sunday, April 14, 2024

Unicorn Magic Continues!


I love how we let Spirit guide us throughout Boston Marathon weekend. Tom took the afternoon off from work so we could enjoy the Expo together. I initially suggested we take the train in but Tom suggested we drive in. He was going to drop us off and look for a parking space. I suggested we give Newbury Street a try since we had good fortune there on Wednesday.  Sure enough as we turned the corner from Comm. Ave., there was a parking space just waiting for us. Tom wanted to walk down Boylston Street 'the long way' to soak up the energy that Ruth Anne and I enjoyed on Thursday. As we walked the few short blocks to the Expo, we saw Susan Hurley. She is a warrior on and off the roads and was genuinely happy to see us and take a photo with us. When we told her we pray for her health she said, "I'm fine. Really I'm fine."









 In the morning, the texts and messages lit up my phone. Michele Audet and I have been planning a meet up for years. We met each other as part of the Boston Strong Community. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed we would find a way to meet up at the Expo.

Just as we turned the corner to head into the Expo, who came walking out of the ladies room but Michele Audet.

She had just finished her volunteer assignment at bib pick up. She mentioned that unlike in previous years, there were no snacks and limited food for the volunteers. We suggested that we go to the FlavaNaturals booth where she could get a boost with their amazing product. 


It was wonderful to see our dear friends Alan and Shari Frost who are the creators and owners of FlavaNaturals.

Michele, Ruth Anne, Tom and I chatted while soaking up the energy of all that is Boston Marathon. There was a Navy Warrior Challenge Booth that Ruth Anne just had to try. Michele captured Ruth Anne's joy in a series of photos. Here is one of them:

We secured great seats to see Meb on the Marathon Live Stage and listened to the panel of Women in the World of Running. Michele had worked for John Hancock, the previous sponsor of the Marathon and gave us the back story of one of the women on the panel who now recruits for the BAA. I messaged with my friends/On the Runs podcast family Candice and Jared. Candice and Jared 'met' through the On the Runs podcast and were coincidentally on the same flight to Tokyo. What a wonderful Boston reunion for them and what a blessing for me to meet them in person. Of course we included Michele when it came to taking a photo. Candice has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be toeing the starting line of her marathon of healing on Monday. With her positivity, grace, grit and determination, I just know she is going to conquer this challenge.

We were enthralled with having the opportunity to hear Meb speak about his journey. As he spoke his gentle, kind, humble, and warm personality shined through. At times, he expressed a wonderful sense of humor. He said that he loves interacting with fellow runners of all abilities and always wants to take time for photos and to sign autographs. "It's never a bother," he told the crowd. When he recounted his 2014 Boston win, you could feel the collective sense of goosebumps and tears. He took time for people to ask questions. Ruth Anne asked about his pre-race rituals. He said how they are very important and shared with us how he fuels the night before (spaghetti and meatballs with red sauce or chicken and rice) and at breakfast (a traditional bread, oatmeal, almond butter) and that prayer - before, during and after a race is a vital part of his rituals. 

Even though a meet and greet line was forming, Meb graciously and generously took selfies with Michele and Ruth Anne. I was moved when he put his hand on Ruth Anne's shoulder and gave her a pat on the back.

Our hearts were full as we left the Expo expressing gratitude for a day filled with spontaneity, synchronicity, friendships and inspiration. Michele had to catch her train but Tom, Ruth Anne and I decided to go to Legal Seafood in Chestnut Hill. Our dear friend whom we hadn't seen all winter was there. Big hugs and lots of love along with an incredible dinner was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

To be continued...

In health and wellness,


Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements and where you can find my incredibly inspirational story. My interview with the amazing On the Runs podcast team of Erika Hamel and Eric Knuuttunen is Episode 56. Be sure to subscribe and download on your favorite podcast platform and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Proud to BU is a podcast highlighting the illustrious achievements of Boston University Alumni. Here is the link to my episode.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon

***COMING MAY 25, 2024***  "A Most Unlikely Runner: Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" Book Release Party 6/3  7-8pm at Livite Brookline in Washington Square

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