Friday, January 17, 2025

Synchronicity - A Bermudaful Memory


In December of 2014, I experienced a serious knee injury on my left knee. An MRI in early 2015 indicated lateral meniscal tear, effusion, degenerative arthritis, bone spurs, changes from previous surgeries, an atrophied gastroc muscle and on and on it went... The physiatrist, with the best of intentions suggested that as a polio survivor I never should have started running; that now it was time to stop or cap my distance at a 5K and prepare for a total knee replacement in a few years since the joint was beyond arthroscopic surgery repair. I took my referral  to a physical therapist who was the worst PT I had ever seen. I really tried to make it work but realized the Universe was redirecting me.

I found my way to a chiropractor healer who was totally in sync with what I needed to get back out on the roads and go the distance again! 

Running in Bermuda on Race Weekend had been on my bucket list for years and then it wasn't. At my comeback race post-injury in July 2015, Bermuda Race Weekend had a booth at the Expo. I melted at the sound of the Bermudian accents, the gorgeous race bling and the clever marketing of having little bottles of pink sand on hand. I was hooked and decided that it was time to get to work to cross that bucket list item off of my bucket list.

Fast forward to 2016 Bermuda Race Weekend when I returned to Bermuda for the first time since 2008 without needing a leg brace, cane or wheelchair. My toe up leg brace polio shoes were replaced with running shoes. The energy on the plane from Boston was buzzing with the excitement of a destination race weekend.

"Are you running?" Tom asked a gentleman as we were stowing our bags in the overhead bins.

"No. I am support crew."

As we walked along Front Street, we saw the couple from the plane. Pleasantries were exchanged and we wished each other a Bermudaful day.

As we had our breakfast on Friday morning, I read the Royal Gazette Race Weekend edition. There were our bib numbers and the country we represent.

On race day, I had serious pre-race jitters running my first half marathon distance since I ran the 2009 Boston Marathon. I let the nerves just be as I took in the magnificent sunrise and the energy of race morning. I was well trained mind, body and soul.

From "Going the Distance: The Power of Endurance":
"Hey there. I was determined to find you this morning. What are the chances that we would have our bib numbers in sequence?"
I was a little stunned to say the least. On the flight from Boston Tom and I met Denise and her husband from Kentucky. He was her support crew. We also bumped into them on Front Street on Saturday.

"I was on Instagram and looked for the hashtag #runbermuda. I saw the pictures you posted."

"What? I deactivated my Instagram account yesterday because I was frustrated and couldn't figure out how to use it."

"Your Instagram account is linked to Facebook so what you posted there automatically went to Instagram," Tom explained to me.

"So I saw your photos and I found out about you and I said prayers for your health last night and wished you a wonderful run but I was determined to find you this morning."

A sign from God that I could relax and let go knowing that my body knew exactly what to do to run 13.1 miles.

What a magical moment at the start of the 2016 Bermuda Half Marathon where the Universe brought me together with Denise McMillan. We've remained friends through the years. In 2018, Team McManus returned to Bermuda with Ruth Anne to run my 3rd consecutive Half Marathon in as many years. Denise and her "running wife" Lanette returned to Bermuda in 2018. We relived that moment and the moments that led up to it as recounted in stunning detail by Denise during dinner at The Pickled Onion.

I love how every January, Facebook reminds me of this magical moment of synchronicity that happened at  the starting line of the 2016 Bermuda Half Marathon. I recount this story in "Going the Distance" and, in "The Adventures of Runnergirl 1953" share the magic and synchronicity that continued during Bermuda Race Weekend 2018. I share how I was almost a DNS (did not start) for the race!

It's so much fun to take a look back at Bermudaful memories. I am still in awe to realize how the mind/body connection  has taken me farther than any diagnosis or prognosis. As Walt Disney once said, : "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness - Mary

Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could. Be sure to visit the News and Events Page with links to podcast interviews, speaking engagements, where you can find my incredibly inspirational story and upcoming events.

My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon  My 7th book, "A Most Unlikely Runner:Inspiration From The Heart of a Warrior" is receiving rave reviews and is a selection of the WBZ News Radio Book Club.

For the 2nd year, Mary is an Ambassador for The Boston Run Show happening 3-1 and 3-2 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.  Use FREE Ticket Code MMCMANUS It's colocated with The Boston Outdoor Expo this year and is sure to be a jam packed weekend of inspiration and interactive exhibits. It's FREE and fun for the entire family!

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