Sunday, April 11, 2021

Happy National Pet Day Meets National Poetry Month


It's National Pet Day and National Poetry Month continues! Jamie and Team McManus adopted each other in October of 2012. Our beloved cat Alex crossed the rainbow bridge the previous year and while we vowed, as every heartbroken human does, to not have another cat in our lives, Jamie stole our heart away at the Animal Rescue League free adoption day.

Jamie had been found by the Animal Rescue League wandering the streets of a suburban near Boston. She needed medical and dental care and patiently waited at the shelter for her furever home. The staff at the shelter led us to Jamie who was shy and quiet not letting humans pick her up except for when she was in her comfy bed made as a gift for her by one of the volunteers at the shelter.

For three weeks she hid under a desk in the basement and only came out to eat and use her kitty litter but never in our presence. Little by little, she interacted with us and soon snuggled in our laps. She graduated to sleeping in our bed and meditates with us in  the afternoon.

During the pandemic,  Jamie brings great comfort and joy. 

From "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic":

"During the stay at home order, I experienced lots of trauma dreams, many of which I awakened from with heart pounding. One night our cat Jamie leapt on the bed as if on cue to move me beyond the trauma of the past and into a new state of Being. I felt this poem through the vibration of her nesting in the blankets.


The Mighty Tigress


In darkness

she pounces

toward her prey


nesting in old comforter

paws inviting me to pause

a symphony of comfort


Her striped fur expands and contracts

perfect pitch as she purrs in prayer


My breathing slows joining her rhythm

inhale expand exhale


Being as One


Descendants and ancestors

blessing our precious lives


Powerful dyad vibrating well-being to all

my mighty tigress lights the way


To transformation."


Jamie's purring often provides the soundtrack for our meditations and helps us to stay connected to the rhythm of the Universe with her steady breath. She delights in all seasons sleeping throughout the winter months and coming to life in Springtime sitting by the open door watching the birds with an ear cocked to their songs. She sits by open windows bathing in the sunshine and fresh air. 

Her constant companionship helped us to navigate the turbulent times of the past year and we celebrate the joy of her being every day especially when National Pet Day meets National Poetry Month!


From my heart to yours

In health and wellness 


For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.


"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.


















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