Monday, April 12, 2021

Believing is Seeing


On the road to the 2009 Boston Marathon we received many signs in the form of finding money during our training runs. I visualized our success on Marathon Monday and believed with every fiber of my body that I would successfully cross that finish line.


Last year, while waiting for the results of the election in November, we found an array of change in the street on a run. It gave us hope that it was, in fact, time for a change in Washington and that the tide was going to turn for better days ahead.


The day before we found that change, I wrote this poem included in Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic:


Believing is Seeing


Worry and fearing thoughts filled with fret

believe what you’ll see on positive thoughts be set.

Imagine the outcome feel joy be daring bold

release all the dread a new vision to hold.


Remember the Power Source ignites hope and light

the beautiful story created is well within sight.

Our loving true nature must now prevail

with grit determination and faith through adversity we sail.


A beautiful sunset or a penny that’s found

signs of the Presence in abundance surround.

Believing is seeing feel lightness and free

let go and surrender as you abide with Me.


Join together connect with those who feel as you do

whatever the outcome you’ll always get through.

A tsunami of hope swells over the land

washing out painful memories like the tide with the sand.


A new day is dawning believe and you’ll see

power to create the outcome you wish it to be.

Smile rejoice give thanks let peace now descend

whatever’s been rendered is time now to mend!


I remembered the phrase, “or a penny that’s found” after we found the change and was able to feel my soul settle during the tumultuous days following the election.


I’ve been feeling unsettled about my vaccine appointment coming up this Wednesday. Ruth Anne received her vaccine yesterday and other than a sore arm feels great. We did a lot of meditation and mind/body prep work leading up to her appointment. Tom, our son Autumn, his girlfriend Michelle and many of our friends have received the vaccine and their joy far exceeded any mild side effects they may have experienced. In my previous blog post, Fear or Faith, I share how I experienced “vax hesitancy” and how I resolved it.  Temporarily stepping back into the medical model to receive a vaccine is an emotional experience yet I also know will be a way to end the pandemic.


On this morning’s run, I spotted a dime in the middle of the street.

 It’s dated 2020 and as Tom was quick to point out, 2020 was a year akin to the polio epidemics. What comfort I felt seeing FDR’s face on the dime along with Liberty, and on the back, “A torch that stands for liberty, an olive branch that stands for peace, and an oak branch that stands for strength and independence.” Receiving the vaccine is a way for us to once again experience our liberty. E pluribus unum: out of many, one. Despite all of the divisiveness during the past four years, there is a powerful sense of unity around emerging victorious from the pandemic.


I am always in awe of how I’ve been touched by grace from an early age.  I just happened to log onto Twitter today and this was the first item in my feed:








 Believing is seeing; seeing beyond appearances and having faith in positive outcomes. I believed in my ability to heal my life from polio and trauma despite all appearances to the contrary. I believed in my ability to run the Boston Marathon even though I had never run a day in my life. And today, as I briefly revisited my struggle about vax hesitancy, I was reminded by the Divine to have faith and believe seeing a world healed from the COVID-19 Pandemic!
















From my heart to yours

In health and wellness 


For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.


"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.


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