Friday, April 30, 2021

The Mighty Tigress

To improve sleep hygiene during the pandemic, Tom and I switch off our phones and laptops (we don't have a TV) and read before meditation and sleep. The other night, Tom put my book, "Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" down as we were getting ready for our bedtime ritual. Jamie let us know she gave my book four paws up and reminded us that there's something so special about curling up with a good book - especially when there's a poem about you in it!

From "Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic":

During the stay at home order, I experienced lots of trauma dreams, many of which I awakened from with heart pounding. One night our cat Jamie leapt on the bed as if on cue to move me beyond the trauma of the past and into a new state of Being. I felt this poem through the vibration of her nesting in the blankets.


The Mighty Tigress


In darkness

she pounces

toward her prey


nesting in old comforter

paws inviting me to pause

a symphony of comfort


Her striped fur expands and contracts

perfect pitch as she purrs in prayer


My breathing slows joining her rhythm

inhale expand exhale


Being as One


Descendants and ancestors

blessing our precious lives


Powerful dyad vibrating well-being to all

my mighty tigress lights the way


To transformation.


I've noticed that the trauma dreams have diminished in frequency and intensity in recent weeks. There is a sense of hope and optimism as cases of COVID decline, vaccination rates increase and restrictions are being relaxed. I was never afraid of contracting the virus for I knew that by staying in our bubble and following the public health guidelines, we would be fine. The uncertainty, the stress and strain of Tom working from home and his department being understaffed (and please believe me I know how fortunate we are that he continued to be able to work through the pandemic), the climate of fear that ran rampant until President Biden and his team arrived to begin to put out the fires raging from the previous presidency, the restrictions and the need to wear masks would stir the emotions from my traumatic childhood and emerge as trauma dreams.

I was and am so blessed to have the companionship of Jamie during daytime meditations and at night to remind me to keep a steady breath and to feel the love of the Divine flow through her. She is a mighty tigress who brought so much joy and comfort during some of the most challenging days and nights of our lives.

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness 


For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.

"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.



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