Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Magnificence of May: An Awakening

As I watched my tulips poke through the once frozen barren ground and bloom, I thought to myself, "What if I had the same hope and faith I had when I planted those bulbs last October trusting they would blossom, and harnessed it in all areas of my life." 

 So often we want control rather than letting go; to trust in the unseen, to enjoy the mystery and wonder of life, to trust in the most beautiful and positive outcomes and to allow Divine Intelligence to guide. Just as the flowers need to go through the dirt, life can sure get messy at times as we have seen during the harsh winter of the pandemic. 

Spring always returns. Last year it was challenging at times to appreciate the glory and splendor of the season.  There was a pall that hung over the world as the pandemic claimed lives and we all faced uncertainty and fear trying to get our bearings with a 'new normal.' Initially we were confined to our homes except to go out and exercise. We saw businesses shuttered and restaurants struggled to survive. We had to wear masks everywhere we went and needed to stay socially distant from others. The colors of the season paled as we navigated an unprecedented time in our history.

Yet I always held onto hope and practiced an attitude of gratitude. This year, with vaccines, and signs of hope with metrics shifting to positive trends, May seems even more magnificent than I can remember.

During yesterday's 5K run, we paused to appreciate the bursting colors of Spring and to make note and appreciate nature's splendor. We breathed deeply enjoying the relaxation of the mask mandate for vaccinated persons.

Even the swans seem to be embodying the magnificence of May 2021:


There is an awakening and emergence from the darkness of the pandemic. On Friday, I had my first visit to a hair salon in 14 months. What a treat to have to transform long unruly locks into a beautiful new style for Spring.



Yesterday was seedling pick up day at Ruth Anne's ReVision Urban Farm. After our run and before we headed to the Farm, we ordered take out from Brothers and Sisters Cafe in Brookline Village. For the first time in 14 months we ate outside at a picnic bench among other people (socially distant with masks up when we weren't eating). There was a street festival and the energy was electric!

The last time Ruth Anne volunteered at the Farm was in January when the Farm Manager and Senior Grower were plodding through the cold, harsh winter. We returned to a vibrant, bustling community of staff and volunteers lovingly distributing the seedlings for customers to have their own gardens!

We booked a trip to Cape Cod for Cape Cod Marathon weekend in October; our first vacation since January of 2020. We are messaging friends who are fully vaccinated to plan lunch and dinner dates.

This week I receive my second "wellness shot" and get to see my chiropractor after 14 months of no treatments! There is a spiritual awakening of so many emotions experiencing "firsts" after so many months of adapting to "nots," My heart overflows with gratitude and relief, anticipatory joy for reunions and experiences we once took for granted.

It's already a magnificent May as the earth and its Beings awaken to hope, possibilities and a return to activities that bring so much joy to life.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.

"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.

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