Thursday, May 6, 2021

A Shot in the Arm - Part 2


Prior to the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome in December of 2006, I had an estranged relationship with my body. I had to dissociate in order to survive years of abuse at the hands of family member. While harnessing my intellectual prowess enabled me to have a successful career as a VA social worker, all those years of ignoring my body's needs took a toll. The diagnosis was a blessing and a wake-up call and I reconnected with the precious treasure of my body that is the temple for my soul. 

I immersed in the teachings of mind/body luminaries and was able to heal my life from the effects of paralytic polio and trauma.

After conquering my fear, I received the first shot in my arm. 

Other than a sore arm, I had no side effects. My son and his girlfriend had a much easier time of it after their 2nd shot but my husband experienced side effects of fatigue, dizziness and irregular heartbeat and breathing. His doctor reassured him that those are within the range of 'normal' side effects but it gave me pause about getting my 2nd shot. I had also seen a lot of Facebook posts about friends experiencing side effects after their 2nd shot. Yet there was no turning back.

I know the power of the mind/body connection and treated preparing for my 2nd "wellness shot" like I was training for race day. Hydration, pre-'race' fueling, meditation, visualization and letting my body know the outcome I expected were  the order of the day.

On Monday, I attended Dr. David Hamilton's monthly meeting of The Personal Development Club. We discuss topics related to mind/body connection, kindness, mindfulness and alternative therapies. David's presentation focused on the use of crystals. He inspired me to take a crystal with me and hold it in my left hand during the vaccination process.

Yesterday we went for a morning run despite the cool rainy weather:

and I made sure to enjoy the sensuous sights, sounds and smells of Springtime to take me with into the sterile Brigham/Mass General Building  where I would receive my vaccine.

I had a turkey sandwich with spinach on dark bread with a lot of sparkling water. For dessert I had a banana and a FlavaNatural Chocolate bar.



I could feel the nerves kick in. On the drive in town, I took deep breaths and used visualization while tightly holding my crystal.

We found a parking space right away but got lost on our way to the clinic after leaving the parking garage. We arrived right on time. I asked if Emily was working (the nurse I had for shot #1) but she had just taken a lunch break. Ruth Anne accompanied me this time and they asked if she wanted to get a vaccine. Those frenetic days of trying to get an appointment are behind us. Ruth Anne gets her second "wellness shot" on Sunday at Gillette Stadium.

I had a lovely nurse who went over everything with me about the possibility of side effects after the 2nd shot that one might not have experienced after the first one. "I have my crystal right here. I've been meditating and hydrating so I'll be fine." "Yes you will" she agreed. "And it's a very quick shot."

While waiting for the required 15 minutes post-vaccine I took deep breaths despite wearing two masks. I could feel the anxiety around getting the vaccines begin to yield to a sense of relief and joy.

We texted my son who was overjoyed that we are close to all being fully vaccinated.

From "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic":

A New Day 

A new day dawns

breaches of power and trust

left in the dust and dusk of yesterday.


A new day dawns

light floods horizon

spotlight shines on goodness.


A new day dawns

infinite possibilities

healing is ours to claim.


A new day dawns

peace and calm

a font of joy overflows.


A new day dawns

abundance for all

basking in ease.


A new day dawns

arms open wide

glorious grace reigns.

I continued to hydrate all day today and other than a little arm soreness felt fine. After 14 months, I had an appointment with my chiropractor today but more of that in a later blog.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.

"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.

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March is National Optimism Month

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