Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Learning How to Love! Learning How to Live!


Three weeks from today marks the 14th anniversary of when I left my award winning career as a VA social worker to heal my life from the once devastating effects of childhood paralytic polio and severe child abuse at the hands of family members. As I was reflecting on this anniversary and social media's Tuesday transformation theme, I reflected on how the first step in my healing journey was to learn how to love myself. 

Enduring years of abuse at the hands of family members and taunting from peers because I was different from them lugging an ankle to hip leg brace, walking with a limp and not being able to contribute to my team's efforts in gym class, took quite a toll on mind, body and soul.

I had been familiar with Bernie Siegel's work since the 1980's. Although I had not read "Love, Medicine and Miracles" in many years, the story of Evy McDonald and her miraculous recovery from ALS stayed with me.  She was also a polio survivor and after the diagnosis of ALS, decided she was not going to die hating her body. She literally loved herself well.

After my diagnosis, I reached out to Bernie as I had done through the years for guidance and what he calls being a "rebirthing coach" as my "Chosen Dad" to re-parent me and teach me how to re-parent myself. I joined his Forum, revisited his books and explored the works of other mind/body luminaries.

The gift of poetry was ignited in my soul after getting still and asking for Divine Guidance. Themes of gratitude, forgiveness, and self-love helped to heal my past. Imagination and visualization for a future very different than the ones the doctors predicted for me of preparing to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair inspired me to heal mind, body and soul.

I was a workaholic consumed with the needs of my patients, their families my Team and my family. I didn't know how to practice self-care and forgot to how to enjoy life.

I had to learn how to live again and running provided me with just the path I needed to rediscover life. 

Running was a great metaphor for the fullness of life and discovering my strength, resilience, beauty, grace, courage and being surrounded by love from the running community for my journey on the road to the 2009 Boston Marathon.

Next Tuesday, I record an interview with Bernie for Dreamvisions 7 Radio on his Mind Health Matters. Broadcast dates are May 20th & 21st at 12am & 12pm DST and it will also be available in the archives. 

We will be discussing my latest book, "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic"

and how the wisdom I garnered during my healing journey held me in good stead during the pandemic.

We will also talk about the power of poetry and creativity to sustain us during challenging times.

Fourteen years ago I faced an uncertain future after a devastating diagnosis but I transformed the experience to learn how to love and how to live.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness

For more information about my journey from childhood polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond, visit my website.

"Hope is a Garden:Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic" along with all of my books to inspire and uplift you is available on Amazon.


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