Tuesday, July 6, 2021

How Far We've Come!


As "Hail to the Chief" played, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. walked on the red carpet with a spring in his 78 year old step to deliver his Fourth of July remarks at the White House BBQ with essential workers and military families. He reminded us that we are declaring our independence from a deadly virus. Invited guests stood against a backdrop of red, white and blue balloons in the trees on the White House Lawn.

Looking back to 1776, he was quick to point out that our country was fashioned our of the power of an idea and now we have the power of science. As he celebrated America and, that we the people are back together again, the patriotic thing one can do is to vaccinate yourself for your loved ones, community and country. He reminded us that we never want to be where we were a year ago today. He celebrated how the virus no longer controls our lives or paralyzes our nation and it is now within our power to make sure it never does that again. He was quick to point out that putting the pandemic behind us and resurrecting the economy has been one of the most remarkable achievements in American history but in the midst of joy we know the heartache of loss that so many have endured from the virus and from other tragedies during this past year. 

It was such an inspiring way to kick off our July 4th Celebration. We had our traditional BBQ Chicken, grilled potatoes and salad. Over dinner, we reflected on where we were a year ago and how far we have come in our own lives, and as a country. Our daughter Ruth Anne was quick to point out that a year ago we didn't even know if "the other guy" was going to serve a 2nd term. The streets were silence. We wore masks wherever we went and while we focused on gratitude, love, performing acts of kindness and compassion, there was a constant hum of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. There were no Fourth of July celebrations and we all did the best we could to get through that time of darkness.

The last time we saw fireworks was on January 20, 2021 at the Inauguration of President Biden. We were overcome with emotion then, and this Fourth of July we were overcome with emotion as we watched "A Capital Fourth" and The Boston Pops live concert from Tanglewood.

Keith Lockhart was overcome with emotion as he welcomed the audience and thanked them for being there. Sixteen months after no performances, he shared the emotions we all have come to know; the mixture of relief, joy and grief for what we had to endure.

There was no live audience for "A Capital Fourth" but Vanessa Williams and 'surprise host' Kermit the Frog introduced the musicians and were later joined by Christopher Jackson for a live performance to cap off the concert before a 25 minute fireworks display over Washington.

Macy's fireworks lit up the New York City skyline 

 Crowds gathered on Boston Common to witness a fireworks display as the Pops played the traditional 1812 Overture in Tanglewood. 

It was a stunning Fourth of July celebration with the theme America is Back Together Again. The themes of unity, freedom, justice and all the principles of our Founding Fathers rang out across the land in song and celebration.

When we look back on a year ago when we were held captive by a virus and our President, we realize how incredibly far we've come. As President Biden said, it is a time of hope, promise and possibility.

May we all find the strength, resilience and resolve to go the distance and uphold the values upon which our country has been built.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.

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