Friday, August 20, 2021

From Crocus to Crickets

 It seems like in the blink of an eye we go from Spring's awakenings with celebrating seeing the first crocus poke through the once frozen ground to the growing crescendo of the cricket's song as hours of daylight diminish.

With all that is happening in the world it would be so easy to get swept up in the "rumor of sadness and change." There is ongoing devastation from the pandemic with the Delta Variant that could so easily be prevented if people would be vaccinated, mask up and use public health precautions that we used at the beginning of the pandemic. Fortunately businesses remain open and many events continue to take place.

I received my confirmation from the BAA for my volunteer assignment for packet stuffing.

The BAA is requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within 48 hours of the assignment. It's an open air warehouse and we could wear masks as an extra layer of protection. But the communication from the BAA notes that they continue to monitor "the situation" and will make decisions based on recommendations from the CDC and public health officials.

It continues to feel like a tale of two pandemics. Governor Baker announced today that he is going to require all state workers to be vaccinated; no frequent testing as other localities are doing but vaccination or termination of employment. He has decided to leave mask mandates to localities for now. 

There were several concerts at Fenway Park in recent weeks and the Falmouth Road Race took place with 7000 runners finishing the race. Wearing of masks was optional and intermittent. There was a sense of incredible joy that the race returned to a live event.  It was the largest race in Massachusetts since March of 2020. Yet in the background, news of increased hospitalizations and rate of infections climbed especially among those who are not yet vaccinated. 

People are trying to balance living life and moving forward as if the pandemic were over with the ongoing guidance from the Surgeon General, the CDC and local Departments of Public Health. Our Town has  mandated masks indoors in all municipal buildings.

New guidelines have come out for booster shots. It is recommended that people with compromised immune systems receive a booster shot. People are urged to get a booster shot 8 months after being fully vaccinated.

There was such incredible joy and a sense of freedom as we celebrated the sights that heralded Springtime. We expected to experience a summer free from the specter of COVID. We thought that having made the choice to be vaccinated would bring with it freedom from masks, a sense of ease and leaving the trauma and stress of the past 18 months in the rear view mirror.

With the cricket's song, I get to choose how to embrace the change in seasons. I leave behind the expectations and disappointment that summer was not as we expected it to be for expectations only create suffering and turn my attention to all we have to be grateful for. We were able to celebrate the Twins' 34th birthday in person. It had been 4 years since our son Autumn and his girlfriend Michelle came to our house.

We enjoyed and continue to enjoy evening walks savoring sunsets:


We have our health. Tom and Ruth Anne each tested negative for their required COVID tests at Boston College. After a few bumps in the road at work, we are excited for Tom's transition to retirement from full time employment in technology after 40 years. We are blessed with a strong nuclear family that rides through challenges with resilience and a tapestry of care woven with love. We have a fabulous village. Even though we may not see them in person right now, our connections are strong. 

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent wrote an article with advice from experts on how to dance with COVID. 

One of my theme songs after the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome was "Dancing Through Life" from Wicked. Even though the doctors predicted that I would probably spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, I vowed I would find a way to dance through life whatever the circumstances. 

The cricket's song will be my soundtrack to dance through the transition from summer to Autumn accepting what is and being grateful for the many many blessings in our life.

From Crocus to Crickets

Can we eternally experience the hope of seeing the first crocus
even as cricket's song signals summer’s demise
 can we feel the jubilant joy of springtime even as sun sets earlier each day
seeing buds pregnant with possibilities gives birth to optimism
can autumn’s splendor ignite Spirit’s flame?

Can we bend with arc of the seasons
changing landscape of blooms
crescendo of cricket's song
heralding change
embracing transitions
always guided by Light
led by benevolent Beings
seen and unseen
surrounded by Divine Love.

Let melancholy linger for but a moment
remember the caterpillar
be at the ready
soar in midst of uncertainty
a bird's eye view of life
joy in journey
trusting in life's rhythm and flow
all is well and in Divine Order.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.

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