Monday, August 16, 2021




Several years ago I was blessed to hear Tara Brach speak at the Cambrige Insight Meditation Center. She is a psychologist and meditation teacher who did a dharma talk followed by a guided meditation. In the Dharma Talk she shared how one of her students was annoyed because another student was breathing loudly during a meditation. The student thought to themselves that if only the student would stop breathing so loudly, they would be able to meditate better and feel more peace. The other student left the room and do you know what happened? The student realized it didn't make a difference; that the frustration and inability to settle down to experience peace and calm during the meditation was inside of them.

How often do we find ourselves saying these days, "if only." If only my co-worker would leave me alone. If only the pandemic were over. If only it were not raining. You get the idea. The list goes on and on. 

Since the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome fourteen years ago and throughout this pandemic, I have become acutely aware that it is up to me to navigate circumstances. I need to take time in the morning for meditation, to make time for meditation in the afternoon and to put on a meditation before sleep. I monitor my state of being throughout the day. Am I in a state of fear or am I in a state of love, connected to Source creating my life rather than reacting to external circumstances. I'll admit, some days it is more challenging to shift from fear to love, but I know for my physical, emotional and spiritual well-being it is imperative that I make that effort to return to a state of love, faith, trust and envisioning what I want to have happen versus dwell in the past or being fearful of the future.

Tom's work has been very challenging with his work place being short staffed while trying to implement innovative technology. We have talked about retirement and set the date for May 25, 2022. My early retirement was on May 25, 2007 and my daughter thought it would make for great symmetry to have him retire on the same day. At the twins birthday party last week, we talked about moving the date way up since Tom was beginning to exhibit some physical symptoms associated with stress. We chose September 20th as the date he will begin the next chapter of his life.

Within a week, while Tom was on vacation, we met so many earth angels and were guided by Spirit to get everything in place to give notice when he returned to work today. I have complete trust and faith in experiencing the flow of abundance even though he will no longer work full time in technology. The synchronicity and serendipity that is already showing itself to us is awe inspiring.

Just as the ocean's waves are forever in a state of ebb and flow, so too are our lives. Of course we all love it when seas are calm and we see for miles to the horizon. But there are times when there may be storms that we have to navigate or fog where we just have to trust even though we can't see very far in front of us. That's the time when faith and trust come rushing in with the tide and we breathe living only in the eternal present moment.


When waves of fear
wash away faith and joy
feel Divine’s presence
coursing through every cell.

When fear tries to pierce heart
allow Divine's Love to be armor
shake off quivering and quaking
let no one put asunder your joy.

Take pause
power pose
claiming birthright
born to be free.

Trip lightly through adversity
eyes on horizon
steady sure footsteps
surging strength from depth of soul.

Lost and confused?

invisible hand guides safely through storm
follow its lead
to rainbow’s end
pot of gold
overflows with well-being. 

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to listen to my recent conversation with Liz Brunner, award winning journalist, now CEO of Brunner Communications on her podcast Live Your Best Life. I share how I live my best life despite the challenges that I faced at an early age.

For all of my recent appearances, be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website.

My books to inspire and uplift you are available on Amazon.

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