Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Letting Go of Fear and Worry!


I've been riding the waves that go with a big life change of Tom's retirement. While I limit my exposure to news, the "dreadlines" seemed to have had a bigger impact on me in recent days. I found myself getting stuck in a cycle of worry and fear. I know that worrying is praying for something we do not want to have happen and that it is vital to look within to create my outer world. I believe we are all feeling a little weary of the ongoing pandemic, extreme weather and fires and a "shaky" economic outlook.

After being in my head for a bit during our 5K run, I shared with Tom and Ruth Anne what was weighing me down. With the vast ocean on my right and loving daughter and husband by my side, I was able to purge myself of the fear and worry. I ended up doing major negative splits on our 5K dripping with sweat and a little dizzy from my effort. Cold water, a banana and a picnic lunch was the quick remedy to help me recover.


My favorite quote from Ruth Anne was, "Mom...how can you let these dreary thoughts be on such a perfect day?"

She was right! 


 We played in the water and "practiced" our synchronized swimming feeling the joy of just being in the moment.








As we sat in the sun drying off from our swim, this poem flowed through me:


Feet glide along silky silt ocean’s floor
wading into gentle waves
fathom infinite gratitude and love
warm sun on skin
seagulls song entreating.

Dive into faith
releasing fears
fully present
prepared to receive gift of new life
past washed away in tide
only good tidings.

Source’s presence palpable
as joy rises from depths of soul
return to innocence
just Be

Seize the moment
seas current comforts
get carried away
on this end of summer day
delicious delight
as heart takes flight. 

A run, a swim, lots of sun and connecting to Source were the perfect combination to help me release fear and worry and embrace infinite possibilities for a new chapter in our life.

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

My books to uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon.

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website to hear interviews that will open your heart and mind to a powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.

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