Saturday, September 4, 2021

Running on Vitamin Sea and Vitamin D

 I have been relishing every step of my runs this week. Shalane Flanagan's quote sums up the power and joy of running. It has been a God send after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome in December of 2006 when I imagined myself running the race instead of spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair as the doctors predicted for me.

While I always celebrate the gift of running in my life, this week running has been a sanctuary and a time to process and debrief from all that happened at Tom's work this past year that led to our leap of faith decision.  There's been a lot of stress during the transition especially from two of the managers and it's been a major trauma trigger for me. I also experienced the trigger of my dad's suicide 50 years ago when we ended up needing to declare bankruptcy after his death. 

Through meditation and staying connected to Source, heeding the messages I was receiving through songs on the radio, friends Facebook posts and conversations with friends and family, I pried my body out of the past and into experiencing the delicious gift of present moments. Tom is almost 70 years old and I will be 68 on Christmas Day. We will be married 45 years next year. While we both want to live and enjoy being in our physical bodies for years to come, we are keenly aware how tomorrow is never promised as we've seen during the pandemic.

As I've shifted my energy, I've started seeing a shift in the news I am receiving. Immunity is not waning as originally thought. There is a halt on rushing out to get a booster shot as the vaccine proves to be highly effective. Vaccination rates are on the rise and while masks are needed right now, there is much hope that the pandemic will become something that we live with such as colds or the flu.

Today was a glorious end of summer day. A vibrant blue sky with white puffy clouds, warm sunshine and low humidity made for perfect weather for our Saturday morning run. Even though Tom is on his last on call weekend for work, we went to South Boston for our run. My soul was craving to be near the ocean. Right before we were about to leave we were inspired to pack a picnic, beach chairs and towels just in case we wanted to put our toes in the water after our run.

We had a splendid run:

Because of the pandemic, they removed porta potties along the route. I suggested we wait until we get back to the bathrooms at the beach or go in the ocean but there was no time to waste. Apparently this happened to Tom while out on long runs and he knew how to get into the health club at a nearby apartment complex. I waited outside trusting I could wait until I got back to the beach. Tom said that we were residents and the security gentleman let them use the rest rooms.

Just as we were about to finish the run Tom asked, "Where's my phone?" He had to run back to get it. I prayed the entire time that it was still in the rest room and no one would ask him about what unit he lived in or his name. After I went to the bathroom and Ruth Anne and I were unloading our picnic, I received a text. Tom took a selfie and he looked incredibly satisfied with the successful outcome of his mission.

The sun was hot but there was a comfortable breeze to keep us cool. We would have been fine to just sit on the beach. But the water called to us. We both love to swim and with the pandemic, we have avoided gyms like well, the plague. We didn't have our bathing suits. That has never stopped us before from going into the ocean after a run.

Fortunately it was high tide. We did not have to walk far to get into water where we could swim. At low tide we have to walk on mud. The mud provided a smooth bottom (rather than the rocks that are typical of the beaches in South Boston) as we waded into the cold water. Ruth Anne dove in before me and she encouraged me with a 1-2-3 go. It was a baptism into the new phase of life we are entering with Tom's retirement from full time technology work and Ruth Anne returning to part time work and graduate school. I have more time to focus on writing and am working on a new project based off of "Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic."

After playing in the water together, we dried off in the sun before heading home.

We grilled salmon to have with a salad made with farm fresh vegetables we bought at Boston College's RealFood Club Farmer's Market yesterday. 

Today was one of those perfect 10 days that was a reflection of a lot of inner work I have been doing this past month. Meditation, faith, clearing out old thought patterns and beliefs culminated in a day over-flowing with joy, health and well-being. My heart overflowed with infinite gratitude for the gift of being alive with all of life's blessings and stressings. With Love, gratitude, faith and shifting attention away from fear and old beliefs, we can heal and overcome creating infinite possibilities in our lives. 

From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,

My books to uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon.

Visit my website to learn more about my journey of transformation in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and beyond.

Be sure to visit my News and Events tab on my website to hear interviews that will open your heart and mind to a powerful message of healing, hope and possibilities.

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...