Friday, October 29, 2021

Life Is Not About Waiting For the Storms to Pass...


or as I like to say it's about learning to run in the rain!

We were spoiled by mild temperatures and sunshine for most of the month of October. As I do every year, I take time to savor being able to sit in the yard or at the park in warm sunshine and heading out the door in t-shirts and shorts or capris. This year summer was extended well into October and the running was easy. I was thrilled that the high heat and humidity were gone and we could enjoy being outdoors, taking deep breaths and seeing the green leaves linger on the trees along with the glow on my face and tan lines on my legs and shoulders.

It seemed as though we went from temperatures in the 60's and 70's with sunshine and gentle breezes to 50's with gusty winds and rain. We have a treadmill in our basement which is reserved for those it is absolutely not safe to run outdoors days. 

On the first day of chilly rain, Ruth Anne and I had an "oh I really don't want to do this" moment to "Let's go." We know that mental attitude is everything and so we smiled as we headed out the door with an ooh it's chilly expression. We debated about where to run and started out with a 'neighborhood run.' We decided it wasn't 'too bad' and went to the Reservoir where we were treated to beauty different from when there are blue skies and sunshine. The forecast predicted a break in the rain. We hurried out the door after breakfast.

Those are genuine smiles! Ruth Anne and I know a time when we weren't able to get outdoors and share a run together; when I was finding my healing path after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome and she was finding her healing path in the wake of PANDAS/PANS. We feel deeply blessed and grateful that we are healed and whatever the weather, being able to get outdoors on a run is an incredible gift!


On Wednesday, the weather called for gusty winds and torrential rain. The weather forecast recommended that people move to the lower level of their homes for safety and stay indoors. Driving would be hazardous and treacherous. As we debated what to do during breakfast, we leaned toward taking turns on the treadmill, blaring our favorite music and cheering each other on. We kept opening the door debating what to do. The winds had not yet picked up and the rain was a steady drizzle. We remembered what runners say, "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad running gear."

We layered up and opted for that neighborhood run knowing the gusts coming off the water would have been too intense.

We ended up doing 3.28 miles because we missed the turnaround at the halfway mark.

We are getting acclimated to running in all kinds of weather again. Thanks to the pandemic, we had the opportunity to get outside for our runs in all sorts of weather because gyms were closed. We know the benefits of cold air, being outdoors, and the joy of triumph over the elements. The storm hit hard and the South Shore of Massachusetts experienced widespread electrical outages and severe flooding. We usually lose electricity during storms while our neighbors are fine because we are on a different grid but we were so fortunate to have electricity and heat while the storm raged on. 

We enjoyed hot cocoa and the sweet satisfaction of not sitting and waiting for the storm to pass. Life is about learning how to dance...and run regardless of circumstances!

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon


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