Monday, October 25, 2021

Emerging From the Pandemic: From FOMO to Let's Go

We had a trip to New York City planned for last weekend to see Jagged Little Pill and enjoy all that NYC has to offer. When we booked the trip, we were fully vaccinated and were so excited to be mask free and free from the constraints of the pandemic. That quickly changed when we received an email from Telecharge saying that masks would be required in the theater and we'd have to wait in line to be admitted to the theater showing photo ID and proof of vaccination. I had convinced myself that we would not be able to enjoy going out to eat or walking around the City with masks up. 

As a survivor of severe childhood trauma, I've struggled throughout COVID with having to wear a mask. How could I possibly sit in a theater wearing a mask for 2 hours and 40 minutes? I let it go and we decided we would return to the City in the Spring.

I grew up in Westchester and going into the City to see a show was an integral part of my childhood and adolescence. It provided a wonderful escape for me from the abuse I endured after contracting paralytic polio. Several years ago, I reconnected with my love for the theater through the amazing group Voices of Hope Boston. They had Sean Allan Krill as a guest on their podcast, The Cardinal Cafe. We were instantly drawn to Sean and Jagged Little Pill which had its roots in Cambridge at the American Repertory Theater.

With the pandemic, we relied on our vinyl records, especially the Jagged Little Pill vinyl and listening to Standing Room Only on WERS to enjoy a taste of Broadway.

After the podcast with Sean Allan Krill, Greg and Ed, President and Vice-President of Voices of Hope and co-hosts of the podcast said they were going to get a group together of Voices of Hope Boston members when the lights were turned back on Broadway. Sean was thrilled with the idea. We originally booked a trip for October 2nd but reopening night was postponed until October 21st.

I saw the posts of reopening night

with comments made by people with their dates of when they were going to see the show. My friends from Voices of Hope were among them.

I reached out to Eliza, one of my dear friends from Voices of Hope who is also a reader for one of my poems for the Hope is a Garden production, inquiring about what performance they were going to attend on November 20th. She sent me an enthusiastic reply complete with a link to the hotel where everyone is staying in the City. I talked about it with Tom and Ruth Anne. With COVID and the need to mask everywhere we once again said we would wait until Springtime. Eliza totally understood but then she sent me another message on Facebook letting me know that a member of Voices of Hope had two tickets available and connected us with the ticket holder. 

Okay Universe .... You really want us to go to New York and be a part of this experience. In hind sight, I realized that we were all experiencing COVID fatigue. We'd been irritable and feeling down. We are so used to having events to look forward to and it seemed as though we had reached our limit of not having anything on the calendar (or anything on our fridge) to look forward to. We enjoyed our Boston Marathon experience that seemed to ignite that desire within us to not let the parade pass us by (referencing a wonderful number from Hello Dolly!)

Although we did not take the tickets from the Voices of Hope member (long story for another day) we were able to find tickets in the Mezzanine where over 50 members of Voices of Hope will be seated together. We were able to book a room where everyone will be staying. Everyone will be vaccinated and I will take these next 4 weeks to mentally prepare for rocking my mask in NYC harnessing the power of visualization to find a space of ease. 

I always make a list of things we must remember before going on any trip. It was trippy to put on the list, vaccination cards and masks. 

I trust the vaccine. I trust masks and I trust my body's immune system. I know that feeling joyful and being with people who embody love, kindness and a commitment to doing good stimulates the immune system. The time has come to face the fear, ditch the fear, emerge from the pandemic and get totally excited and thrilled for a New York City experience emerging from the pandemic into the light as the lights go back on Broadway.

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon


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