Sunday, November 14, 2021

Running for Victory


When Ruth Anne began to get traction in her healing journey following several years of being critically ill, she said that one of her goals was to run another marathon! She thought long and hard about which marathon she wanted to run and for what cause. 

One of the first places Ruth Anne volunteered while she went through outpatient therapy at Spaulding Rehab was Victory Programs ReVision Urban Farm. In addition to the healing powers of 'dirt therapy', the staff welcomed her with open arms knowing her journey. Their compassion and kindness towards her and anyone who came by the farm warmed her heart and soul. She became an Ambassador, fundraising, helping with marketing and CSA sales. 

 From Victory Programs Facebook page:

Victory Programs believes that all people deserve care.
For men and women struggling with addiction, we are recovery;
For young mothers and children with nowhere to turn, we are shelter;
For people coping with HIV/AIDS, we are support;
And for those who were homeless for years on end, we are home.

When Eve Rabinowitz reached out to her to see if she would set up a fundraising page for Friends Feeding Victory for the month of November, Ruth Anne knew that she would run her marathon for Victory Programs and Victory Programs ReVision Urban Farm. She had been looking at running the Providence Marathon with her dad and decided that would be 'their' marathon. Tom wanted to run a marathon to celebrate his 70th birthday in March so all the stars were aligned.

When Ruth Anne sent an email to Eve letting her know she wanted to run the Providence Marathon for Victory Programs she was thrilled. Ruth Anne and Eve put together her fundraising page which you can go to by clicking on this link.

About Victory Programs:
Victory Programs is a Boston-based nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families who are homeless and may have substance use disorders, often accompanied by chronic health issues like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, and mental illness. Providing a welcoming environment, our compassionate and inspiring team is committed to helping them regain their health and restore their hope through immediate access to safe and stable housing.

About Victory Programs' ReVision Urban Farm:
Victory Programs’ ReVision Urban Farm is an innovative community-based urban agriculture project that grows produce in its own fields and provides access to affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to residents of our ReVision Family Home and our extended community. In association with ReVision Family Home, we also provide job training for youth and Boston’s homeless.  

 Running a marathon requires endurance, determination, discipline, persistence, motivation and an ability to keep moving forward no matter how you may be feeling.

The clients at Victory Programs are running their marathons of healing and recovery.

On the roads and in life, running a marathon takes a village!

We are so grateful for the funds raised so far and look forward to exceeding Ruth Anne's current fundraising goal of $3000.Ruth Anne is putting together raffle prizes to put the fun in fundraising and the outpouring of support from local businesses has been astounding!

Everyone's a winner when they donate to support Victory Programs and Victory Programs ReVision Urban Farm and we look forward to giving back to those who give.

Please donate whatever you can as Ruth Anne runs the Providence Marathon for Victory Programs.

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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