Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Shall we leave today?


There comes a moment when you just let go and allow joy to happen. After Friday morning's meditation, I felt a stirring in my soul. I asked Team McManus what they thought about seeing if we could get our hotel room a day early and head to NYC to thoroughly enjoy the experience and be rested for Saturday night when we had tickets to see Jagged Little Pill. Tom and Ruth Anne were ecstatic. Nine phone calls later, we were booked for Friday night. I kept getting bounced back between the place where I originally booked the reservation and the hotel. I wondered if it was a sign we weren't meant to leave on Friday but then I received an agent who helped me schedule the room for Friday.

While Ruth Anne was at work and Tom worked from home, I went into high gear getting everything ready and packed up for our New York City adventure. Tom finished his work from home day at 3:30. We hoped to be on the road by 4 with a stop in Providence for dinner.

We were on our way to our first vacation since Hyannis Marathon Weekend in February of 2020!

We didn't account for traffic on a Friday afternoon heading to New York City. Our plan for a stop in Providence was quickly changed as we literally went around in circles trying to access 95 South according to "Google girl" helping us find the fastest route.
We were treated to a spectacular sunset:

We changed the destination to our hotel and decided we'd stop at a place along the way.
We put our faith in "Google girl" to somehow redirect us and get us to NYC some time before midnight which was when our reservation would turn into a pumpkin according to reservations. I told reservations we planned to arrive some time around 9.
We found a service plaza on the Mass. Pike, donned our masks and explored our options. We decided on Cheesy Street Grill where two gentlemen worked hard to keep their area clean and serve up sandwiches to their customers. There was an intensity and dedication to their work. We decided that somehow we were meant to eat there, give these two servers a really good tip and tell them how awesome they were. The sandwiches were delicious and we were ready to go the distance to NYC.

Fortunately the traffic was light and we made it to NYC just before 10. We unpacked the car and Tom took the car to the parking garage where we would receive validated parking after check out. He arrived back at the room and we were so relieved we made it and would get a good night's sleep with a full day in New York on Saturday.

I asked Tom where our cooler was with our water bottles, sparkling water and fruit. "Oh shoot. I left it at the car," he said.

"No problem," I said. "We will get it tomorrow."

"Um no. We can't. They take your car and park it and you can't get to it until you're ready to leave." 

I watched him go through his pockets and asked him what he was looking for.

"Oh no. I must have dropped the receipt!"

He went back and fortunately there was a wonderful attendant who not only replaced the receipt but went to the car to get the cooler.

We all settled down despite the excitement for what Saturday's adventures would bring!

To be continued...
From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at https://marymcmanus.com to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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