Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Enchanted Village With Voices of Hope


One of the greatest gifts of 2021 was reconnecting with the Voices of Hope Boston family. Their live performances were cancelled due to the pandemic. They started a podcast in March of 2021. I reached out and asked if, given my experience through the polio pandemic and, having released Hope is a Garden: Poems and Essays From the 2020 Pandemic, they would like me to be a guest on The Cardinal Cafe podcast. While we had been going to their live shows for many years, it was not until the pandemic and being a guest on their podcast  that we wove together a tapestry of a deep friendship.

One of my traditions growing up in Westchester, was to go into New York City during the holiday season. It was a tradition that stopped once Boston became my home. When my mom died on Christmas Eve in 1997, family and friends gathered in New York for her memorial service. It was the twins first trip into New York City. We'd been back to visit at other times of the year but this year was the first year we went back during the holidays.

The trip was inspired by Voices of Hope Boston plan to support Sean Allan Krill and the reopening of Jagged Little Pill. It was a magical trip. I am so thrilled that I put aside my concerns about wearing a mask indoors for long period of time to experience the kick off of the holiday season in New York.

One of our big holiday traditions when the twins were growing up was to go into Boston to see The Enchanted Village, the windows at Filenes and Jordan Marsh and take home a box of Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins. When Tom ran the 2011 Boston Marathon for Childrens Hospital, the kick off party was at The Enchanted Village at Jordan's Furniture in Avon. There was no Enchanted Village last year and when Eliot was interviewed on The Cardinal Cafe podcast, he wasn't sure if it would be back this year. There was some banter about the possibility of Voices of Hope performing if the Enchanted Village returned but at the time, the future was uncertain as Eliot explained the pros and cons of reopening his store.

When we saw that Voices of Hope would be singing carols at The Enchanted Village on 12/18 and 12/19 we just knew we had to go. Dana greeted us with her signature bear hug and we were enthralled to hear our friends performing LIVE again!


We were planning to go to only hear our beloved VoH but the lines moved quickly and Ruth Anne took charge to lead us into a time honored tradition. 

Here is Ruth Anne all grown up experiencing the joy and delight she once knew when she was a little girl:

Scenes from The Enchanted Village:

I may have cried just a little when the song, "White Christmas" came on and snow started falling around us as I remembered taking my kids to The Enchanted Village when they were little. I felt the nostalgia of the scene with Eliot and the old board games and the free standing TV's in their wooden consoles. I felt the tears of joy and gratitude for dear friends and being able to experience the holiday season this year. It is truly amazing how the pandemic has intensified my feelings of gratitude and appreciation.

As we left the Village, we were told that the exit was upstairs. I thought that to be a wee bit odd since we entered the Village on the ground floor.

We walked through all the different furniture departments. Tom and Ruth Anne had done their 8 mile run on the road to the Providence Marathon for Victory Programs and I had done a 5K. We spotted an Exit sign with stairs that would have taken us back to the first floor near the front of the store but Tom asked a salesman how to get to The Enchanted Village. We followed the signs but ended up back at the stairs where there was no entrance! We had a record number of steps for the day!

We explained our situation to a lovely woman with a Jordan's t-shirt on and she took us through the employees only door and voila - we were back with our Voices of Hope family. We hugged so tightly and wished each other Merry Christmas while listening to one last song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." Children with their winter jackets trimmed with fur wearing their little masks listened with wide eyed wonder. A new generation would begin their holiday tradition with The Enchanted Village and Voices of Hope Boston just might have a new caroling tradition for their group.

Prior to heading to Jordan's we agreed that since Tom and Ruth Anne (and by proxy me) were in marathon training that we would forego getting the Jordan Marsh Blueberry Muffins but there were boxes stacked tall at the exit/entrance to the store and the smell wafted through the air. We couldn't resist!

Ahhh ... the power of advertising on the radio hearing Eliot say, "...and while you are there don't forget to bring home a box of those delicious Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins made with the same recipe..."

Ruth Anne, Tom and I relished every bite when we got home knowing that the joy we experienced was far more important than the calories in the muffin!

What a joy to rekindle McManus family traditions while celebrating with our friends.

Here's to traditions old and new and being able to celebrate life to the fullest!

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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