Monday, December 20, 2021

Under the Full Moon - Reflections on Unity



Divisiveness has once again dominated the headlines; a virus that can do more harm than the pandemic. I must say that it is quite easy to find myself 'taking sides' and make judgments about what is right or wrong. I can only do what feels right for me and our family and release making judgments on others' choices lest I contribute to this pandemic of divisiveness.

We were struggling with whether or not to get our booster shots. Boston College where Ruth Anne attends graduate school requires it. We decided to schedule appointments as the studies show that immunity wanes after 6 months. There were boosters required for the polio vaccine and many other vaccines for potentially life threatening illness. In my heart, I know had I not had the polio vaccine, I could have experienced more debilitating symptoms as did my friend's mother who was unvaccinated. Collectively we are exhausted from the news of the pandemic especially as we see that Broadway Shows have had to cancel performances and restaurants have had to close due to staff testing positive.

It would be easy to focus on the problems. 

After the diagnosis of Post Polio Syndrome, 15 years ago this month, I learned how vital it is to focus on the healing, not on the wounds; on how to make things better rather than focusing on how bad things appear to be.

I started listening to a podcast that I thought would be healing and bring comfort and peace to my quandry about boosters and it only served to leave me scratching my head wondering how is it possible that people criticize people about having immovable opinions which they say are wrong and yet they are doing the same thing.

I turned it off and took a deep breath and then I saw a post that resonated with my heart and soul from Dr. Michael Rocha. He works in New Bedford and dedicates his life to bringing wellness programs to his patients and the community. He started Walk with a Doc in the area, a program promoted by Dr. Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General. He chose to become a physician but continues with his passion for music playing trombone as part of the Buttonwood Brass and Southcoast Brass Band, the latter raises funds for the Boys and Girls Club.

"December 16, 2021
We find ourselves all in an uncomfortable time, again. A prolonged period punctuated by intermittent increases of disease, despair, and disconnect. We are all well beyond what is tolerable regardless of our varied views.
We are seeing our world crumbling again, feeling like we could get together more safely, then cruely, the virus decides otherwise. We are seeing hospitals fill up and feeling the strain in all areas of medicine. Breakthrough cases are disrupting our lives, work, families, and our holidays.
Everyone is angry and burned out. We must realize in the moment, it doesn't seem like the suffering will get better. It will. Why?
Science and compassion for one another will win out despite our exhaustion. Unfortunately, science in this moment is telling us to be more careful and make some short term sacrifices when we feel like we have done this too many times already. There are those out there that can not afford to get the virus and there are those with other medical issues that need care that is being diverted towards resources for COVID.
Vaccines save lives, are safe, and prevent people getting sick enough to be in the hospital or in the ICU. There are some exceptions to these rules but I see this first hand playing out everyday regardless of what is on any news channel or political camp. I don't watch news stations. What I see is real life not virtual. Additionally, masking indoors can make a difference when we are all consistent despite our extreme fatigue from doing this for 2 years.
As for real reasons that we will get through is our friends and family. Yes, in the last week it has been tough and I have felt it, but when that happens, people have shown up. They check in. In turn, we do the same for others. That is how we break this cycle when we take a closer look.
This holiday season, be present even when not physically there and please listen to one another. Pick up the phone or Facetime when you sense someone needs a call. If you are going to get together, consider testing before hand to cut the risk. If you are struggling with mental health, please reach out to your doctors or professionals for help as you are not alone.
May everyone be safe, healthy, and well during these times. May we all find some peace."

I have been focusing my meditations on peace, comfort and ease often times using the guided Meta Meditation from Dr. David R. Hamilton. At the end of the meditation he offers, "And let's send this one out to all sentient Beings. May all sentient Beings be happy. May all sentient Beings be well. May all sentient Beings be safe. May all sentientBeings be at ease." At the end of the meditation he states, "Whatever you do today. Go well and go kindly."

On Friday night I looked out of our window and saw the almost full moon.

Before I fell asleep, this poem flowed out of me:
Under the Moon

We are all One
under the light of the full moon
wintry barren branches frame its beauty
She beams
inviting us to look up.

Divisions must cease
who is right or wrong
transform these wayward passions
come with compassion.

In darkness and silence Source reigns
reign in conflicts

Listen closely to heart’s promptings
prompting us to be light not right
foolishly clinging
digging in

reach out
building bridges
a time to heal.

Judgments fade into the fog
Truth comes into view
a world made whole and new

under the full moon where we are all One.

As the year comes to an end, I will focus on gratitude, healing, possibilities, HOPE, joy, love and peace. I will cherish the moments with loved ones and celebrate my 68th birthday with gusto. I will focus on Unity knowing that underneath it all we have so much more in common than what divides us.

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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