Friday, December 17, 2021

The next best thing to being there....

At this time last year, we thought for sure we would be planning our return trip to Bermuda for Race Weekend. Bermuda is currently a Level 4 destination according to the CDC and travel is not recommended. A month ago, Bermuda Race Weekend was cancelled. I saw posts from friends traveling to tropical destinations. Knowing I may not have choices about circumstances happening around me, I always have a choice to choose my thoughts and attitude.

Right before I was getting ready to publish my blog this morning, I opened up Lin Manuel Miranda's book, "G'morning, Gnight! Little pep talks for me & you" to read G'morning as we have done every day since we bought it a few months ago.

This feeling will pass.
These people will pass.
But look at you with the gift of memory.
You can time travel to the good stuff just by
closing your eyes and breathing.
Then come right back to now, eyes up for
the good stuff ahead.
You magic thing.

Synchronicity is beautiful and magical when we allow our hearts and eyes to see beyond what we can touch, see and feel and what is being told to us through the news.   

I went through my photos and changed my profile and cover photos on Facebook to photos from Bermuda. I have a photo from the beach as my wallpaper on my iPhone. I allow the joy to flow with my friends' posts allowing my imagination to feel as if I too am in a tropical destination. We've been blessed with the weather in New England for December. I savor every sight of green grass on lawns despite darkness descending earlier every afternoon until the winter solstice next week.

I am an eternal optimist and allow hope to fill my heart and soul despite the headlines. 

Fifteen years ago I was given the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome. As I sat in a leg brace using a cane and at times a wheelchair for mobility, I imagined myself dancing and running free. I harnessed the power of my imagination through writing poetry and even though my current circumstances looked quite grim at the time, in my mind's eye I was focused on winning a 10K race. I had never run a day in my life yet went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon.

While part of me feels utterly exhausted from the pandemic; the need for Ruth Anne to be tested and boosted before she returns to grad school at BC and the impending regulations that in order to be considered fully vaccinated you need to have a booster shot, I imagine my world free from the pandemic and only needing to remember my bathing suit and running clothes when we travel again. The memories of traveling to Bermuda for many years in December, January, May and July warm my heart and soul. We look through photo albums and reminisce about our adventures in paradise. We remember with so much love the people who are no longer with us in the physical plane but feel their beautiful presence through our hearts and memories. Before I go to sleep at night, after my guided meditation ends, I ask myself where I want to go. I ignite the fire of my imagination and I can almost hear the tree frogs serenading me as I fall asleep. I see the ink from the headlines from the newspaper dripping down the front page while new good news headlines and news stories appear.

We are finding Christmas music old and new that brings us joy and focusing on all there is to be grateful for. Tom found a new 6 month contract job that is 100% remote starting in the New Year. We will be able to take a week's vacation together before he begins his new job and before Ruth Anne starts classes and a part-time job. I am looking forward to a much less frenzied pace of jobs that were not a good fit, and settling into a routine and rhythm of life.

And while I may not be getting on a plane to travel to our Bermudaful destination where we went for 5 consecutive years in January until the pandemic,

I will travel there in my mind's eye, filled with hope that one day we shall return. In the meantime, as I lull myself to sleep, look at my photos and my Facebook cover and profile photos, it's the next best thing to being there.

From my heart to yours

In health and wellness,


Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon


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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...