Saturday, August 27, 2022

Trust the Wait

Embracing uncertainty was never a strong suit of mine. Growing up in a household rife with alcohol and drug abuse, uncertainty was a threat to my very survival. Yet, after the diagnosis of Post-Polio Syndrome in December of 2006, I learned that uncertainty, hope, faith and possibilities can bring great joy to this amazing journey we call life.

As I share my journey in different interviews, I reflect on how I 'took a leap of faith leaving behind my award winning VA social work career to heal my life.' At the time I truly had no idea what it meant. I kept a 30 day journal visualizing 'A Day in the Life' after I left the only career I had known for 25 years. I fancied myself being on Oprah sharing my childhood trauma and how poetry helped me to heal my life. I imagined being a NY Times Bestselling Author. I drew from experiences that were known to me and that I valued as a measure of success.

After I left the VA, I began to enjoy the beauty of becoming often using the analogy of a butterfly emerging from the cocoon. 

I had written the poem, "Running the Race" not knowing that it would foreshadow my 2009 Boston Marathon run although, as Carl Jung says, the unconscious prepares the way for the future. I am not a NY Times Bestselling Author - yet but when I receive feedback about how my poetry and journey bless the lives of others, I feel as though I am a bestselling author. I've been blessed to receive critical acclaim for my books.

The pandemic was the ultimate time for the entire world to trust the wait. We were in our 'bubbles' and had to ride the waves of uncertainty as I write about in my soon to be released, "Into the Light: Emerging From the 2020 Pandemic."

Last year, Tom took a leap of faith retiring from his tenure as a Systems Administrator at Boston College. We knew it was time for a chance (I meant to write change but chance fits). He thought he was going to get a little retirement job somewhere but realized he still had a lot of life left in him working in technology. He signed on doing contract work. We had never even considered that he would be offered a full time position after doing contract work for 8 months with one organization. When he left BC, nothing was certain except we had Medicare, a retirement savings and social security, and most importantly our faith that everything would work out.

Embracing the uncertainty, rather than trying to control outcomes (which as a trauma survivor was vital to my survival) allows for the expansion of life and the opportunity for the Universe to open the doors to all possibilities!

From my heart to yours,
In health and wellness,

Be sure to visit my website at to learn about my journey to health and wellness in the wake of paralytic polio and trauma

Visit the News and Events tab to listen to my inspiring and uplifting interviews

My books to motivate, uplift and inspire you are available on Amazon

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March is National Optimism Month

 A 53 year old woman diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome shouldn't be able to run and should have prepared to spend the rest of her life ...