Saturday mornings always beg the question, "Where should we run today?" It was a toss up between Heartbreak Hill and Jamaica Pond. Tom and Ruth Anne had 8 miles on tap as they ready for Half Marathon #2 for Victory Programs. I had my weekly 5K planned. We vacillated between the two running spots weighing the pros and cons of each. I had everything ready knowing that it would not be an out the door run where Ruth Anne and Tom could stop at the house for provisions.
The day was cool but the sun had that hint of Springtime is coming to Boston. Ruth Anne loves how I embrace this time of year when we get to experience anticipation of buds on the trees pregnant with possibilities before everything bursts into bloom. I love savoring the moments that lead up to Spring and Summer. My heart opens with joy knowing the beauty and warmth that is about to burst onto the scene.
The day started out with clouds yet the beauty of Jamaica Pond endures through any weather.

After their warm up, Tom and Ruth Anne set out in the opposite direction from me. My solo run is a time for solitude and reflection. As Boston has begun the countdown to the Boston Marathon in less than a month, I reflected on our training runs around Jamaica Pond. We did speed work, hills and long runs as we built speed and endurance in preparation of 26.2 miles. What a thrill and delight to be out in the elements and experience the change of seasons, especially since I was given stern warnings about the risk of falls especially in winter.
My poem "Courage" was inspired by one of our training runs around Jamaica Pond:
As Tom, Ruth Anne and I passed each other we gave high fives and took a water stop.
The clouds began to yield to sunshine and Mother Nature gave us a sneak preview of Spring's coming attractions.
While Tom and Ruth Anne finished their 8 miles, I savored the satisfaction of having completed my 5K while soaking in the sunshine as I refueled and hydrated. Geese honking and the gentle waves lapping against the shoreline were a wonderful soundtrack for my meditation.
Tom and Ruth Anne felt incredible joy that they completed their 8 miles feeling great knowing that they are one training run closer to the Providence Marathon Half Marathon for Victory Programs.
Prior to the start of my running career, I had been to Jamaica Pond only a couple of times. Tom and I rented a canoe before we had children. If you would have told me 16 years ago as I was just setting out on a quest to heal my life that Jamaica Pond would become a place near and dear to my heart for training runs, I would have said, "No way." But "Yes, way" as Jamaica Pond has become my happy place.
From my heart to yours
In health and wellness,
Visit my website to be inspired by my journey. May it ignite a spark within you to go farther than you ever believed you could.
My books that pack powerful messages of healing, hope and possibilities are available on Amazon
Thank you to Mike Reilly for featuring my story on Stories From the Finish Line Sponsored by CURAD Performance Series to inspire others.
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